Freelance business cards can be just as important in the business world as for a typical 9-5 desk-job employee. Especially since the business world continues to accept and encourage the rise of freelancing.
Even as our world continues to go more and more digital, there will never be a time when we don’t have any in-person interactions…well, never say “never,” I suppose. But as of our reality right now (minus the whole quarantine thing) there’s still a lot to gain by having freelance business cards.
In this article we’ll give you some awesome examples to get your creativity going, then jump into how to make your own freelance business cards and where to get them printed from. Let’s do it!

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14 Freelance business cards to spark your creativity
If you need a little boost of inspiration to spark your own freelance business card design, check out this sample of great work below, including some from fellow freelancers in our Mastermind group:
These Mondrian-inspired freelance business cards made by Ramin Nasibov are super unique and very fun — including a maze on the back. How memorable is that?
You can also take a look at Canva’s amazing business card templates and help attract potential clients to avail your services. Canva provides free custom printed business cards designed by professionals.
Steve Wolf designed these freelance business cards, with a cool beveled edge on one corner — giving these simple, modern cards an added touch.
Christopher Santoro, member of our Millo Mastermind group, designed these awesome black and white freelance business cards that are really well-done.
Looking for a really unique freelance business card? Rick Bloker of Unique Design Studios took his brand literally with a transparent card your clients would definitely remember.
The freelance business cards shown above are made by Valdet Hajdari — featuring an elegant foil finish, on a unique mixed-color paper. The combination creates a very formal, yet appealing design.
Jennifer Julianus’ creativity is too cool not to mention in our list of freelance business cards. She has a die cut goldfish with the intention of using them to enter “fish bowl” drawings!
Ryan Brinkerhoff created his freelance business cards with some extra pizazz. The letterpress finish creates a “bumpy” feel when you run your fingers over it, which gives a really fun experience.
A square-shaped business card is the route Sharon Spataro went for their business. I love the addition of the social icons along the left-hand side, really maximizing the space.
Keomeo on Dribbble designed these cards for an education center for kids. They feature a pattern that can be put together like a puzzle, tying the client’s business directly into something relatable and educational.
Kelvin Kim Design approached his freelance business card with a simplistic approach — using the white space to his advantage and really creating an appealing design.
Graphic designer Derek Callahan designed his freelance business cards with a heavy “dark theme” — paired with the golden hue, this creates a beautiful look for his brand.
If you’re an illustrator, you could create a series of business cards with different illustrations that mimic your brand, such as Tubik did here. It’s an easy way to be remembered and make you want to “collect them all”!
A new brand identity created by Grzegorz Oksiuta features unique business cards that have a different background pattern on every card. Although it’s not a cost-efficient solution, it’s incredibly enjoyable to look at.
Want to show off your work? Jonas Söder found a way to display samples of his brand identity designs directly on the back of his freelance business card. It’s a mini portfolio that really stands out!
Why freelance business cards are so important
As you may already know, one of the most stressful parts of any freelancing career can be finding new clients. With almost all certainty, every freelancer you talk to will agree about the infamous feast or famine cycle. There will be times when you are so busy, and then on the flip side where you will find yourself scrounging for a new client.
Now, I bet you are wondering how this is relevant to freelance business cards — hang with me, it’s coming.
Because of the pressure to keep your income steadily coming in, many freelancers are looking at anyone and everyone as their possible next client, (or you should be, anyways). With this mindset, your freelance business cards will be your best friend.
Whether you are out to eat at a restaurant, or striking up a conversation at the gas pump, being able to get all your important information to your next potential client in a seconds notice can be the difference in a new job or a missed opportunity. Don’t let it be the latter.
For example, if you are a freelance web designer and you know the restaurant you are eating at could use your help, don’t shy away from asking for the owner. Strike up a conversation that you’re a local web designer and noticed their website is outdated.
What do you have to lose?
You have to create opportunities, and having your freelance business cards handy to give them one or leave it behind with the manager on location is another chance for a new job.
Benefits of freelance business cards
Speaking of restaurants — how many times do you see a bowl of business cards to enter a drawing at your local mom and pop joint? You won’t miss out when you have your awesome freelance business cards on hand. Who knows, you may just win something other than a new client! (Think, free lunch or catering for your business).
Another bonus benefit of having a card on hand is for those times you find a cork bulletin board with all the locals business cards pinned up. It may be a rare sighting these days, but these gems still exist. Throw yours up there and you never know who might notice it.
Lastly, there are times that you’ll find businesses like to support other local businesses and will allow you to put a stack of your cards on their counters for customers to grab. A great example of this would be for a graphic designer to go to their local print shops and ask if they would allow you to put your cards up. They may want to do some sort of partnership that ends up being mutually beneficial.
As you’ll see, there’s many benefits to having business cards — and it doesn’t stop there.
The 3 goals of freelance business cards
1. Easy to read
Don’t overcomplicate things — make it nice and easy to read so they can quickly access your email or phone number to contact you. After all, that’s what its main purpose is, right?
2. Gain leads
By having freelance business cards, you’re aiming to get new clients after all. So if you’re handing out a card, be sure you’re ready to sell yourself and be confident in what you can offer.
3. Memorable
Creating your own card gives you the chance to make an impression from the start. Make sure your freelance business cards represent who you are and implement your brand colors and fonts. Cohesiveness is key.
Pro Tip: Give a stack (at least 10 each) to friends, family, and satisfied clients to hand out on your behalf. They may meet someone who is in the market for your services and instead of them just saying, “oh I know someone who does that,” they can hand over your freelance business cards with all the necessary (and correct) information needed to find you.
What all freelance business cards must have
Here’s the must-haves to include when you create your business cards. Just missing one of these can make your card pretty much useless:
1. Your Name (Your first and last name — both are important for credibility!)
2. Business Name and/or Logo (If you don’t have a logo, just typing out the business name will do)
3. Website (your full URL:
4. Email Address ([email protected] — learn how to get a professional email address)
5. Phone Number (123-456-7890 — include your office number, optional to include your cell)
What to avoid on your freelance business cards
The biggest mistake you should avoid is overwhelming your card. The information needs to be clear and easy to read.
Don’t overcrowd it by taking away from the information needed. Adding a fun flare (like rounded edges, or even a wood business card) is always encouraged and even more memorable.
Additionally, always triple check your spelling! Imagine you get a very interested prospect, and they can’t find your website because it’s misspelled. Doh!
Where to get your business cards
If you’re not a graphic designer yourself, you won’t really have the expertise to design your own cards.
Therefore, you’ll need to know where to get your freelance business cards so you can start handing them out.
Or, if you’ve designed them but don’t know where to get them printed — these sites are great options for that as well.
The sites below all come highly recommended from our team of freelancers and our community of fellow freelancers. In addition, some may be affiliate partners, giving us a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you.
Ace your business card game by leveraging talent of professional designers. Connect with fellow freelancers to use their professionally designed cards for your business. Simply, download for free, customize and print your identity in a matter of minutes.
If you’re looking to really stand out, and get some quality freelance business cards, MOO is the way to go. With different finishes like embossed, foil, and letterpress you’ll definitely find something that will impress. They also offer several hundred design templates for you to choose from (or upload your own design if you want, too).
An all-around go-to site for printing, Vistaprint is an excellent option for your freelance business cards. Also boasting several hundred design templates, their pricing is a bit more budget-friendly, but also offer some premium upgrades to make your cards last.
Much like the previous option, UPrinting is a great website for getting your freelance business card designed and printed. They offer some really cool options like plastic business cards, or even velvet and metallic. You’ll definitely find that their business cards will help you make your brand stand out.
20+ Ideas for promoting your work using freelance business cards
Finally, here’s a list contributed by Nicole Foster with ideas on how to use freelance business cards to promote your freelance business in creative ways:
- Leave a business card on a mirror in a bathroom
- Include your business card with your tip at a restaurant
- Have your family and friends carry your business cards on them
- Put a few business cards on community bulletin boards
- Leave your freelance business card in books pertaining to your business
- Have your business card be your email signature
- Leave a few business cards on coffee shop tables
- Include a business card in everything you mail out
- Place your business card in public phone books where your industry is listed
- If you travel, leave a freelance business card at the hotel before you leave
- Buy a creative business card holder and display them at a local business
- Use them as a name tag at social events
- Leave a business card in public newspapers
- Use your business card as discount or coupon for your service/product
- Give extra freelance business cards to your prospective client
- Give a business card to your taxi driver
- Leave a business card in an interesting place on the bus
- Give a freelance business card to each of your professors
- Leave a few business cards at a public library
- Leave them in the keyboards of computers at a computer store
Ready to hand yours out?
Remember to always have your freelance business cards on you because you never know when you will meet your next opportunity.
Having a tangible, physical card to give out increases your chances of getting new clients immensely. So go get your cards and land some new clients!
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