166 results found for Entrepreneur

millo.co > yes-freelancing-is-entrepreneurship-here-are-8-reasons-why

Yes, Freelancing is Entrepreneurship. Here Are 8 Reasons Why

For me, embarking on the freelance journey felt akin to stepping into the vast, exhilarating world of entrepreneurship. It wasn’t just about leaving the predictability of a 9-to-5 job; it was ab...

millo.co > from-editor-to-entrepreneur-a-guide-to-breaking-into-freelance-editing

From Editor to Entrepreneur: A Guide to Breaking into Freelance Editing

Embarking on a freelance career is an exciting journey, filled with the promise of flexibility, autonomy, and the chance to work on diverse projects that pique your interest. However, it is equally a ...

millo.co > solopreneur-or-entrepreneur

13 Differences Between a Solopreneur and Entrepreneur

For a long time, I considered myself to be a solopreneur. And if you’re like me, the only time your job title actually matters is when someone inevitably asks: “so, what do you do for work?” Whi...

millo.co > freelancer-vs-entrepreneur-whats-the-difference

Freelancer vs Entrepreneur: What’s The Difference?

A global pandemic, cost-of-living crisis, increasing financial woes… The global landscape is shifting, and it’s causing many of us to rethink our work situation or seek ways to earn some extra inc...

millo.co > benefits-of-being-an-entrepreneur

6 Benefits of Being an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship used to be a fairly predictable story. Someone with an idea invents a new product or service, sells it to a lot of people, makes millions of dollars, and passes an empire down to thei...

millo.co > think-like-an-entrepreneur

Why You Need to Think Like an Entrepreneur, Not a Freelancer

Today, with 57 million freelancers in the United States alone, it’s no wonder that many individuals are looking for ways to make money for themselves. However, as a career, freelancing is more than...

millo.co > important-financial-skills-every-entrepreneur-possess

The most important financial skills every entrepreneur should possess

Starting your own business can be a real adventure, but if you want to be successful you’ll need more than passion. You will also need to know how to manage the money your company spends and earns s...

millo.co > artist-vs-entrepreneur-wear-hat

Artist vs. Entrepreneur: When should you wear each hat?

You know in cartoons or movies when the main character is trying to make a decision and there’s a little angel and devil perched on their shoulder taunting or encouraging them in either direction? T...

millo.co > entrepreneur

Am I an entrepreneur?

Am I an entrepreneur? And I don’t mean like how most of the world these days considers themselves to be an entrepreneur. I don’t mean do I include “entrepreneurially-minded” on my resume or do...

millo.co > how-to-build-and-scale-a-virtual-creative-agency-in-2024

How To Build And Scale A Virtual Creative Agency In 2024

Building a virtual creative agency feels daunting, and I felt the same when I started my SEO agency. But in 2024, having your own business is a lot more viable thanks to modern tech like Slack and inn...