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How To Legally Start A Freelance Business In 9 Steps

Being a freelancer can be a liberating experience. It gives you the potential to work anywhere in the world, from your couch or a park bench. However, if you don’t want any trouble from the IRS, you... > google-docs-invoice-template

How To Use A Google Docs Invoice Template For Your Business

If you’re a freelancer, a working professional, or a small business owner, chances are you’ll need to send out invoices on a pretty regular basis. But how exactly should you go about this? Many pe... > we-vs-i-the-best-pronoun-for-a-freelance-business

“We” vs “I” – the best pronoun for a freelance business

If you’re like me, once you started using your official business name, “we” vs “I” became a big issue. Which sounds better? Am I misrepresenting myself if I use we? What ... > 19-questions-to-ask-before-creating-a-website

19 Questions to Ask Before Creating a Website

Have you ever come to a point in a website design where you’re lost? You’re staring at a blank Photoshop document and you have no idea how to fill the space. You don’t know what the client wants...