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How I went from losing my job to being a profitable freelancer in 18 months

If you would’ve told me when I got laid off I’d have a profitable freelance design business a mere 18 months later, I’d have laughed at your absurdity. Heck, I may have even snorted.... > how-to-quote-a-design-project

How to quote a design project – and win the account

Quoting a project isn’t easy – and knowing how to quote a design project well is even tougher. Part estimation, part research, and part historical evidence, a good design quote creates a fair... > design-pitch-15-seconds

Can you pitch your design business (well) in 15 seconds?

I’m a person you’ve never met. Maybe we just bumped into one another in line at the supermarket. Maybe we’re both regulars at the local coffee shop waiting for our morning latte. May... > 25-ways-designers-can-make-money-without-dealing-with-design-clients

25 ways designers can make money without dealing with design clients

This is not one of those posts that rants and raves about how great designers are and how horrible design clients are. In fact, I hate all the bad karma floating around the design community when it co... > designer-cover-letter-mistakes

5 Common Ways Designers Screw Up Their Cover Letters

Cover letters are a great way to make a positive first impression. In the design world, the purpose of a cover letter is to introduce a portion of your work history, to exhibit your ability to write i... > how-long-should-a-designer-fight-a-clients-poor-design-decision

How long should a designer fight a client about a poor design decision?

If you’ve been designing for long, you’ve experienced a scenario like I am going through right now: You’ve met with your client, discussed the details of the project, signed a contra... > when-to-bill-design-clients

When should you bill your design clients?

Designing great-looking logos or websites (or whatever your passion is) can be one of the most exhilarating experiences for designers like us. But after a while, you start to realize it’s not ju... > revisions-for-design-clients

How many design revisions do your clients get?

One of my favorite pieces of design business advice comes from talented and successful designer, Christ Spooner. You can read about his advice (and some of mine) in detail by skimming through “A... > why-some-freelancers-get-rich

Why some freelance designers become rich while others don't

Take a moment and scan the web for successful freelance designers. I mean financially successful freelance designers. I’m not talking about designers who have a great following on their blog, I&... > tips-for-eye-catching-package-design

10 tips for creating eye-catching package design

Packaging consumer products is one of the most important aspects of marketing. Eye-catching design packaging should make both a physical and psychological connection. The packaging identifies the prod...