Page 12 of 370 results for Client Base > built-freelance-career-traveling-world

How I built a freelance career while traveling the world

For my entire life, I dreamed of travel. I dreamed of visiting far off lands, experiencing new cultures and doing something unconventional with my life. Yet I always thought that travel would come som... > 5-super-fun-and-easy-marketing-tips-for-your-design-business

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR... > how-i-went-from-losing-my-job-to-being-a-profitable-freelancer-in-18-months

How I went from losing my job to being a profitable freelancer in 18 months

If you would’ve told me when I got laid off I’d have a profitable freelance design business a mere 18 months later, I’d have laughed at your absurdity. Heck, I may have even snorted.... > a-freelance-designers-target-audience-how-do-you-find-it

A freelance designer’s target audience: how do you find it?

“Who’s your target audience?” Lately, I’ve been asking a lot of designers that question because I’ve been offering 5 business critiques per month lately and that means d... > drip-sms-vs-drip-email-which-is-best-for-lead-generation

Drip SMS vs. Drip Email: Which Is Best for Lead Generation?

In marketing, capturing and nurturing leads is the golden ticket to business growth. Two powerful tools in your arsenal are drip SMS and drip email campaigns. But which one is the real MVP when it com... > why-i-switched-from-1099-to-s-corp-and-you-should-too

Why I Switched from 1099 to S-Corp (and You Should Too)

Picture this: It’s 2017, and I’ve just been laid off. Instead of panicking, I decided to take my side hustle full-time. Little did I know, this leap would lead me to a golden opportunity t... > how-to-grow-your-design-business-from-side-hustle-to-empire

How to Grow Your Design Business from Side Hustle to Empire

So, you have a talent for design, and you have transformed it into a small side project. Well done! However, let’s be realistic; there is a huge distinction between earning additional money and ... > greenrope-review

GreenRope Review: Good for Agencies & Freelancers?

As a freelancer-turned-agency-owner who’s worked with countless tools over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Some promise the moon but d... > crm-for-freelancers

12 Best CRM for Freelancers in September 2024

A CRM (customer relationship management) tool isn’t just for big companies; it’s valuable for freelancers too. It can help you manage clients, track interactions, and streamline projects. ... > my-favorite-ai-tools-for-freelancers

My 14 Favorite AI Tools for Freelancers in September 2024

Are you sick of hearing about AI yet? I kindof am. But the truth is: it’s changing EVERYTHING. From how we work, to how we think, and how we grow our businesses. Freelancers and entrepreneurs wh...