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How to Confidently Negotiate Freelance Rates with Clients

As a freelancer, you have to operate your career as a business. You may be highly skilled in your service, but you’ll also have to learn how to sell that service. That’s where negotiation ... > client-gifts

169 Client Gift Ideas to ‘Wow’ Your Clients in 2024

Client gifts aren’t just a kind gesture you should consider at the end of each year. Sending client gifts any time of the year shows that you appreciate their business and care enough to plan ahead ... > how-to-optimize-your-portfolio-for-massive-client-conversions

How to optimize your portfolio for massive client conversions

After working closely with freelancers (and freelancing myself) for over a decade, there’s one thing nearly all of us freelancers agree on: You’ve really got to rock your portfolio. It’s a no-br... > tips-premium-longterm-upwork-clients

7 Tips To Get Premium And Long-Term Upwork Clients

As the freelance industry becomes more competitive, landing long-term, premium clients on Upwork is what most people aim to achieve. In the US alone, this year’s number of freelancers increased ... > 5-email-scripts-following-client-unresponsive-plus-examples

3 Sample Follow-Up Emails After No Response from a Client

How do you know it’s the right time to send that follow-up email after no response? What would you say to get a response? Should you even email them again? These are all questions we ask ourselves w... > top-8-dubsado-alternatives-to-manage-clients-2022

Top 8 Dubsado Alternatives to Manage Clients (2024)

If you have decided to give “this freelancing thing” a serious go, you must have noticed that you won’t get very far without technology and processes supporting your work. One of these pieces of... > these-client-communication-hacks-will-grow-your-business

8 Client Communication Skills to Grow Your Business Fast

Client communication is one of the most important ways to grow your service-based business. That’s because good client communication leads to happier clients. And happier clients means more referral... > international-freelancer

5 Tips to Become an International Freelancer with Global Clients

Freelancing is becoming the go-to work option for professionals searching for flexible jobs that allow them to work conveniently. It may seem like an easy ride. But freelancing and working remotely co... > multiple-clients

8 Actionable Tips for Managing Multiple Clients

If you’re a freelancer looking for a more consistent income, work opportunities, and contacts for diligent professionals, you will need to take on as many clients as feasible. However, juggling ... > how-to-get-web-design-clients

How to Get Web Design Clients: 10 Pro Tips to Get Work Now

Even if you’re a professional web designer with extraordinary talent and a diverse portfolio of projects, figuring out how to get web design clients and promote your business may be a difficult ...