Page 22 of 258 results for freelance jobs > side-business-ideas

14 Side Business Ideas to Help Supplement Your Income

Do you have side business ideas running through your mind? You’re not alone. Side businesses have gained a lot of popularity since the financial crisis of 2007. Here in the US, many millennials foun... > monotasking

7 Ways Monotasking Can Make Freelancing Easier

Multitasking is something that every freelancer knows all about. After all, when you’re a solo entrepreneur, the buck stops with you. You’re responsible for everything from marketing to liaising w... > writing-portfolio

11 Steps to Creating a Stellar Writing Portfolio in 2024

With the influx of new freelancer writers and writing platforms, standing out is crucial to landing your next writing task. And what better way to do that than showcasing your writing portfolio? For i... > how-to-start-a-web-design-business

How to Start a Web Design Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

So you’ve mastered the arts in web design. Now you’re looking to grow your own web design business. You clicked on this page because you want to know how to start a web design business, and yes, t... > how-to-become-a-grant-writer

How to Become a Grant Writer in 14 Steps

Do you want to know how to become a grant writer? It’s a great career field to get into! This blog post will outline 14 steps to help you become a grant writing pro. We’ll cover everything... > too-much-work

Signs You’re Working Too Much + 5 Tips to Help

Most new freelancers wonder how they will get enough clients to really make a living. Few of them realize that, once you have built a business and shown that you have in-demand skills, it is easy to f... > motil-review

A Closer Look at Motil: An Online Scheduling App

Freelancers these days have an almost unlimited list of apps and tools that claim to help run a business. So how do you know which ones are actually useful? Obviously, you turn to the Millo team. We�... > should-you-incorporate-your-side-hustle

Should You Incorporate Your Side Hustle?

Incorporation might seem like overkill for a side hustle. However, it’s a crucial step if you want to save money and protect your work. The “side hustle” emerged in popularity after the Great Re... > work-for-hire

What Does a Work For Hire Agreement Mean?

One of the most sought-after and rapidly growing industries in today’s world is the creative space. Due to the fast-paced nature of our information-rich society, creatives are in high demand, and so... > multiple-clients

8 Actionable Tips for Managing Multiple Clients

If you’re a freelancer looking for a more consistent income, work opportunities, and contacts for diligent professionals, you will need to take on as many clients as feasible. However, juggling ...