Page 25 of 258 results for freelance jobs > when-and-how-you-should-turn-down-a-project-thats-not-for-you

How To Decline A Client Project 5 Ways (Politely & Respectfully)

As a freelancer, there will inevitably come a time when you’ll have to decline a project. Every professional working in the graphic design, website design, marketing, development, and writing indust... > help-me-name-my-design-business-tips-on-naming-yours

How to Name Your Graphic Design Business (Ideas & Tips 2023)

So you’re a seasoned design professional with years of valuable experience and the right tools to start your graphic design business, but you’ve hit a wall in the creative process. You don’t hav... > 11-business-lessons-from-a-15-year-agency-owner

11 Business Lessons from a 15-Year Agency Owner

I’ve been running my agency, Lform Design, for more than 15 years. I started the business after a stint as a freelancer and, prior to that, working in-house as a designer. Since 2005, we’ve been h... > best-laptop-for-artists

8 Best Laptops for Artists in July 2024

Laptops, for artists, can be a critical tool in making a living. For some artists, their entire livelihood can depend on the laptop they work on. When digital files are how you generate income, you ne... > topics-to-write-about-on-your-design-blog

100+ Design Topics to Write About on Your Design Blog

Whether you’re starting your own design blog, or need design topics to write about on other design blogs as a guest blogger, thinking of original graphic design blog topics can be a real struggle. S... > virtual-assistant-job-description

Virtual Assistant Job Description: The Ins and Outs of Becoming a VA

57.3 million people within the United States are currently working as freelancers. They represent close to $1.4 trillion of the annual US economy contribution. Have you been feeling the desire to wor... > is-upwork-legit-ftf-8-6

Is Upwork Legit? A Real-World Experiment Earning $8,000+

Is Upwork legit? It’s a valid question you may have asked yourself after first becoming familiar with the popular online freelance job marketplace. I’ve personally experimented with the platfo... > how-much-do-graphic-designers-make

How Much do Graphic Designers Make on Average?

How much to graphic designers make on average around the world? It’s a bit of a complicated question—like asking, “how much does a house cost?”—but today, we’d like to try ... > best-business-books

51 Best Business Books for Thriving at Solopreneurship

If you’re looking to gain knowledge, motivation, or just some good business advice — look no further. We’ve asked 5 people to share with us the best business books they would recommend. ... > price-increase-letter

How to Write a Price Increase Letter to Get Paid More (Free Template)

An effective price increase letter can be the difference between barely making ends meet each month and having more than enough. The idea of sending your client a price increase letter can leave you w...