Page 2 of 216 results for Budget > upwork-vs-fiverr

Upwork vs Fiverr: Which is Best for Freelancers (2024)

The freelancing world is exploding like never before. As more people work from home and companies lean on outside help, places like freelance websites have become key to today’s work scene. We&#... > how-much-to-charge-for-a-logo

I’m a Logo Designer—Here’s What to Charge for Logo Design

Deciding what to charge for a logo is one of the toughest parts of being a freelance designer. You want to earn more but worry if your work is good enough or if clients will think you’re too pri... > how-to-get-jobs-on-upwork

How to Get Jobs on Upwork in 7 Days with No Experience (2024)

Figuring out how to get jobs on Upwork can be a great way to start a freelance career—which can be both exciting and worrying at the same time. Getting a potential client to take a chance on you whe... > freelance-coding-jobs

12 Freelance Coding Jobs Sites to Find Coding Clients in 2024

The gig economy has grown a lot in the last few years, and this could expand more with advances in technology. All you need is a computer and internet. Already, companies that offer delivery services ... > 8-plutio-alternatives-with-better-customer-service

8 Plutio Alternatives with Better Customer Service

Embarking on a freelance journey can be both exhilarating and challenging. As a seasoned freelancer who has weathered the highs and lows of the industry, I understand the importance of having the righ... > how-to-feel-more-fulfilled-as-a-freelancer

How to Feel More Fulfilled as a Freelancer

Do you find freelancing fulfilling? For most people, including freelancers, their work is not just a money-making activity. It’s a way for them to self-actualize and achieve a higher purpose in life... > sites-like-upwork

16 Sites Like Upwork for Freelancers in 2024

Websites like Upwork are a fast way to discover new clients and land freelance work. Initially, I doubted Upwork, believing it was filled with clients who wanted to underpay freelancers. But, after ex... > freelance-skills

These 20+ High-Demand Freelance Skills Pay You The Most

Freelance skills are more sought after today than ever before. The days when people saw freelance skills as less important than regular 9-to-5 job skills are over. Now, freelancing is a popular and pr... > beyond-the-pitch-executing-a-winning-post-funding-game-plan

Beyond the Pitch: Executing a Winning Post-Funding Game Plan

If you’ve decided to pursue funding for your growing business, then you know getting that first big investment is thrilling – it validates all your hard work so far. But the real challenge... > freelancer-resume

How to Write a Freelancer Resume that Wins Clients

An effective freelancer resume can be the difference between getting ignored by clients and filling your client pipeline. If you’ve done any amount of freelancing, you know landing the best freelanc...