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5 Boring (But Powerful) Tips That Made Me a Six-Figure Freelancer

In 2018, 6 years after I started out as a freelancer, I became a six figure translator. Trust me when I say no one was more surprised than me as I reached that goal. I was probably in the top 1% of tr... > how-to-confidently-negotiate-freelance-rates-with-clients

How to Confidently Negotiate Freelance Rates with Clients

As a freelancer, you have to operate your career as a business. You may be highly skilled in your service, but you’ll also have to learn how to sell that service. That’s where negotiation ... > can-you-grow-an-agency-by-hiring-a-i-bots

Can You Grow an Agency by “Hiring” A.I. Bots?

Do more with less. It’s a mantra every marketer is well aware of. Less budget. Less time. Less buy-in. Fewer team members. Equally cringe-worthy is the phrase founders and CEOs love, “We need to 1... > freelance-ideas

33 Freelance Ideas You Can Start Today (From Home, For Free)

This past year the world has had to embrace a new normal. Which means millions of people have been left to explore freelance ideas as a way to make up for lost jobs, furloughs, or other unfortunate tr... > how-to-avoid-scope-creep-as-a-freelancer

How to Avoid Scope Creep as a Freelancer

If you’ve been freelancing for more than a day or two you have probably experienced scope creep. It looks something like this: [Phone rings; it’s your client] You: Hello? Client: Hey! I was up in ... > 8-money-terms-rich-freelancers-understand-do-you

8 Freelance Money Terms You Must Understand to Get Rich

When it comes to business, let’s face it: most of us freelancers are kindof making it up as we go. If we went to college or university, it wasn’t to get a business degree, it was in design... > freelancing-isnt-working-should-i-give-up

I’m Failing as a Freelancer … Should I Give Up?

When you start freelancing, everything feels so exciting. You’re finally working for yourself! You say goodbye to having a boss, attending boring meetings, and commuting every day to a job you hate.... > cost-working-low-value-clients

The hidden deadly cost of saying “yes” to a new client

In order to really grow your freelance business, you should take on FEWER clients. It seems counter-intuitive at first. Fewer clients = more revenue and growth? How? The thing I’ve learned about... > monday-review Review 2024: Pricing, Features, Pros and Cons

Managing projects and collaborating effectively within a team can be challenging, especially as organizations grow and tasks become more complex. To address these challenges, project management tools ... > 5-ways-to-upsell-your-freelance-services-boost-profit

5 Ways to Upsell Your Freelance Services & Boost Profit

Upselling your freelance services to clients you’ve already closed can be a great way to boost your profit without having to find new clients. So in today’s article, I’m sharing seve...