Page 2 of 68 results for Testimonials > freelancer-resume

How to Write a Freelancer Resume that Wins Clients

An effective freelancer resume can be the difference between getting ignored by clients and filling your client pipeline. If you’ve done any amount of freelancing, you know landing the best freelanc... > stages-of-growth-for-freelance-career

5 Stages of Growth for a Long-Lasting Freelance Career

If being your own boss sounds appealing to you, then choosing freelancing as your career might be the best solution. Did you know there are over 1.57 billion freelancers all around the world? No wonde... > how-these-16-pro-freelancers-keep-their-pipeline-filled

How These 16 Pro Freelancers Keep Their Pipeline Filled

For anyone who depends on clients to keep their business going, the feast-famine struggle is all too real. This classic (almost cliché) problem facing freelancers from all industries can cause major ... > freelance-lead-generation

10 Freelance Lead Generation Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

As you already know, the benefits of having a freelance job are numerous: Freedom and flexibility in choosing when you work Diverse projects that keep you engaged and motivated for a longer time No li... > how-to-optimize-your-portfolio-for-massive-client-conversions

How to optimize your portfolio for massive client conversions

After working closely with freelancers (and freelancing myself) for over a decade, there’s one thing nearly all of us freelancers agree on: You’ve really got to rock your portfolio. It’s a no-br... > best-fiverr-gigs

The 10 Best Fiverr Gigs to Start Earning More Money in 2024

Fiverr has become one of the leading freelance marketplace sites in the world over the last decade, since its inception in 2010. It’s popularity has led to a huge number of freelancers on the platfo... > from-editor-to-entrepreneur-a-guide-to-breaking-into-freelance-editing

From Editor to Entrepreneur: A Guide to Breaking into Freelance Editing

Embarking on a freelance career is an exciting journey, filled with the promise of flexibility, autonomy, and the chance to work on diverse projects that pique your interest. However, it is equally a ... > how-to-become-a-freelance-writer-with-no-experience

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience: Step By Step Guide

Are you a budding wordsmith who is grappling with the question of how to become a freelance writer with no experience? It may seem like a daunting prospect at first, but there’s no need to feel stre... > tips-premium-longterm-upwork-clients

7 Tips To Get Premium And Long-Term Upwork Clients

As the freelance industry becomes more competitive, landing long-term, premium clients on Upwork is what most people aim to achieve. In the US alone, this year’s number of freelancers increased ... > how-to-get-bookkeeping-clients

How to Get Bookkeeping Clients as a Freelancer

Now that there are plenty of gig workers out there, it’s an important skill to learn how to get bookkeeping clients as a freelancer. About 35% of the entire US workforce is made up of freelancers, a...