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These 3 Outreach Methods Landed me $7,000/month as a Freelancer

If you want to be a full-time freelancer, skill alone will not take you there. One thing I learned early on in my career is that being a freelancer or “independent professional” or “consultant�... > upwork-profile-example

6 Winning Upwork Profile Examples from Six-Figure Freelancers

Upwork profile examples can inspire you when creating your own profile. And because creating an attractive, well-curated Upwork profile is crucial to landing more jobs, this article will share a few e... > upwork-job-success-score

What is the Upwork Job Success Score & How Do I Improve it?

According to an Upwork report, 73% of hiring managers are more likely to opt for freelance workers than they would’ve three years ago. The abrupt change in the work model in recent years has mad... > writing-portfolio

11 Steps to Creating a Stellar Writing Portfolio in 2024

With the influx of new freelancer writers and writing platforms, standing out is crucial to landing your next writing task. And what better way to do that than showcasing your writing portfolio? For i... > how-to-start-a-web-design-business

How to Start a Web Design Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

So you’ve mastered the arts in web design. Now you’re looking to grow your own web design business. You clicked on this page because you want to know how to start a web design business, and yes, t... > 15-tips-to-help-you-start-your-freelance-business

15 Tips to Help You Start Your Freelance Business

A freelance business is an exciting venture, but there’s no denying it’s a significant undertaking. While having one means you get more control over your hours, rates, and clientele, it la... > future-of-freelancing

What Does the Future of Freelancing Look Like?

As the world of work continues to evolve, more and more people are finding that freelance work is the way of the future. With the rise of the gig economy and the proliferation of online platforms that... > freelance-burnout

5 Best Ways to Avoid Freelance Burnout Before It’s Too Late

If you’re a freelancer or professional whose interest was piqued by this article, you most likely have experienced freelance burnout. You probably already know what burnout is, and I may not need to... > international-freelancer

5 Tips to Become an International Freelancer with Global Clients

Freelancing is becoming the go-to work option for professionals searching for flexible jobs that allow them to work conveniently. It may seem like an easy ride. But freelancing and working remotely co... > 4-ways-to-use-your-resume-beyond-finding-a-freelancing-job

4 Ways to Use Your Resume Beyond Finding a Freelancing Job

The world of freelancing is dynamic and exciting because you never know when your dream project may pop up in your path. Plus, even if everything seems chill and dull today, things can change from one...