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How to Make Money on Facebook as a Freelancer (July 2024)

For freelancers looking to boost their income or create new revenue streams, Facebook is a potential gold mine. This stalwart of the social media scene can not only help you generate more income for y... > side-jobs-for-teachers

109 Side Jobs for Teachers Who Need Extra Money

Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions you can aspire to. Unfortunately, society and governments have not rewarded teachers financially for their devotion to expanding young minds. As a tea... > small-business-blogs

21 Binge-Worthy Small Business Blogs to Read in 2024

Small business blogs have been a pillar in my entrepreneurial journey. See, I have a confession: I’m not a big reader. My wife can sit down and read a good book for hours on end. Me? I’m distracte... > why-some-freelancers-get-rich-while-others-dont

Why Some Freelancers Get RICH While Others Don’t

At first, freelancing can seem so attractive. You watch other freelancers start doing client work on the side. Then they quit their day job to do it full-time. Before you know it, these freelancers ar... > solopreneur-or-entrepreneur

13 Differences Between a Solopreneur and Entrepreneur

For a long time, I considered myself to be a solopreneur. And if you’re like me, the only time your job title actually matters is when someone inevitably asks: “so, what do you do for work?” Whi... > podcasts-for-freelancers

11 All-Time Best Podcasts For Freelancers (2024 Update)

Growing your freelance business on your own can be a real challenge. It’s an exciting challenge—and one worth the effort. But do you ever feel like it would be nice to have someone to bounce i... > freelance-graphic-designer-websites

12 Best Freelance Graphic Designer Websites to Find Gigs

Freelancing is a great way to make money working for companies of your choice at your own pre-set times. The downside of freelancing, however, is that work is almost never constant. Freelancers are al... > how-to-make-10k-a-month

11 Best Ways to Make 10k a Month in July 2024

Do you know how to make 10k a month? It may sound like an unrealistic goal, but it can be achieved with hard work and dedication. To make 10k a month, you need to bring in around $333.33 daily. This m... > best-print-on-demand-sites-for-artists

5 Best Print On Demand Sites for Artists to Earn Money

As a freelancer, your time is your most valuable asset, so generating income without sacrificing more of your time is a game changer. And one way to do it is by using print on demand sites for artists... > freelance-artist

What it Takes to Become a Successful Freelance Artist

The world of freelance art has changed. It used to be incredibly difficult for a freelance artist to find venues to showcase work, and the pathways to actual profits were limited. You could reach buye...