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8 Best Outreach Methods for Freelancers to Get More Clients

In , there are various ways to get new clients with the advent of social media and AI technology tools. Depending on your discipline, some outreach methods will work better than others. As a freelance... > side-jobs

11 Profitable Side Jobs You Can Start in a Weekend (2024)

Side jobs have been my saving grace over the last decade. What started as a small freelance gig back in 2013 has grown into my full-time job. Yes, that little side hustle now completely supports my fa... > freelance-skills

These 20+ High-Demand Freelance Skills Pay You The Most

Freelance skills are more sought after today than ever before. The days when people saw freelance skills as less important than regular 9-to-5 job skills are over. Now, freelancing is a popular and pr... > beyond-the-pitch-executing-a-winning-post-funding-game-plan

Beyond the Pitch: Executing a Winning Post-Funding Game Plan

If you’ve decided to pursue funding for your growing business, then you know getting that first big investment is thrilling – it validates all your hard work so far. But the real challenge... > freelance-content-writing-tools

16 Freelance Content Writing Tools You Need To Use in 2024

Are you a freelance content writer who often experiences writer’s block? Or do you struggle with researching golden nuggets for your content and balancing SEO with readability? The good news is,... > small-business-blogs

21 Binge-Worthy Small Business Blogs to Read in 2024

Small business blogs have been a pillar in my entrepreneurial journey. See, I have a confession: I’m not a big reader. My wife can sit down and read a good book for hours on end. Me? I’m distracte... > freelancer-vs-entrepreneur-whats-the-difference

Freelancer vs Entrepreneur: What’s The Difference?

A global pandemic, cost-of-living crisis, increasing financial woes… The global landscape is shifting, and it’s causing many of us to rethink our work situation or seek ways to earn some extra inc... > how-to-start-a-creative-agency

How to Start a Creative Agency as a Solopreneur

So you want to know how to start a creative agency? That’s great! The creative industry is booming, and a lot of money can be made. But it’s more complicated than creating a website and ca... > graphic-design-contract

Crafting a Graphic Design Contract to Protect Yourself (with Templates)

Having a graphic design contract in place may be the last thing on your mind when you’re starting out as a freelancer. In all the excitement of landing your first big clients, it can be easy to forg... > freelance-makeup-artist

How to Start a Freelance Makeup Artist Business + Where to Find Work

The beauty world can be glamorous, creative, exciting, and – a little cutthroat. If becoming a freelance makeup artist is your goal, be prepared to work hard, branch out to different types of work, ...