Page 4 of 149 results for Client Proposal > client-relations

Good Client Relations: Turbochargers for Your Freelance Business

More and more frequently, jobs of all kinds—marketers, designers, developers, and writers to name a few—are being transformed from staff positions to freelance jobs. This new reality puts client r... > client-management

Client Management: The keys to communication, plus tips + tools to get it done

As anyone in business would agree, client management is crucial to not only your productivity but also the success of your business. So when did this become so important? The 20th century represents a... > freelance-graphic-design-jobs

17 Awesome Freelance Graphic Design Jobs Sites to Find Clients Fast

Knowing where to find good freelance graphic design jobs is crucial. Luckily, these days you don’t have to search far and wide just to secure good leads to stay in business. Whether you want to supp... > client-onboarding

Client onboarding guide for building a strong relationship from the get-go

They said ‘yes’! Landing a new client is easily one of the most exciting moments in a freelancer’s workflow. So good, in fact, that you may be tempted to channel all your enthusiasm into getting... > 5-mistakes-freelancers-make-looking-new-clients

5 Mistakes freelancers make when looking for new clients

Those having a hard time getting their freelance business off the ground say that finding clients is their biggest hurdle. However, for those who’ve been doing this for years now, looking for new on... > set-expectations-get-go-client-welcome-packet

Set expectations from the get-go with a Client Welcome Packet

Ever notice how Amazon packages routinely come earlier than expected? They’ll tell you the package will arrive on or by the 27th, and when the package shows up on the 23rd, you are pleasantly su... > super-successful-client-onboarding-process

Client onboarding: How I turn 90% of prospects into paying customers

One of the most important things in getting steady work is having a set client onboarding process that will transform potential customers into paying clients. Once that client inquiry lands in your in... > what-i-learned-from-getting-designer-bids-and-being-the-client

What I learned from getting designer bids and being the client

Recently, we redesigned the Millo logo with the help of Dina Rodriquez at Letter Shoppe. (Stay tuned for the final logo reveal + lots of cool swag by subscribing to our email newsletter.) Getting our ... > what-to-do-when-you-get-nervous-before-every-client-call

What to do when you get nervous before every client call

It’s one thing to be nervous before you call a new client to talk about all of zeroes on the end of your quote. Or to be nervous when you’ve got a call lined up with the big cheese you ran into a... > how-to-write-a-creative-proposal-that-converts

My 3-step guide to client pitches that convert like crazy

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re tired of pitching your services to crickets. You feel like you’re constantly being solicited by the clients you don’t want, and can’t even get thos...