Page 17 of 570 results for Freelance Rate > how-i-found-my-freelance-niche-and-tips-to-finding-yours

How to Find Your Freelance Niche (5 Questions to Ask Yourself)

Finding your freelance niche can be an important step in growing your freelance business. There’s a reason the phrase “The Riches are in the Niches” has become almost cliché when it comes to mo... > freelance-wordpress-plugin

10 Essential Freelance WordPress Plugins For Developers & Designers

One of the most lucrative career paths is freelance WordPress development and design. With many businesses needing to shift operations online (one, due to pandemic, and two, for marketing possibilitie... > freelance-writer-business-cards

Freelance Writer Business Cards: Tips for Standing Out

As a freelance writer, you’re probably always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and set yourself apart from the competition. The freelance writing business is a highly saturated and compe... > freelance-artist-business-cards

Why Freelance Artist Business Cards Are a Must + 5 Designs to Spark Your Creativity

Being an artist is about so much more than just drawing pictures or designing logos. The creativity required to be a professional artist is part of who you are, and you’re always looking for ways to... > do-freelance-photographers-need-a-business-license

Do Freelance Photographers Need a Business License?

Many customers won’t bother to ask for a business license before hiring a photographer for their project. But what if someone asks you for one? You can’t just stand there and fidget nervously whil... > how-to-host-a-website

How to Host A Website to Get Your Freelance Portfolio Online

Every website needs to be hosted. It’s a requirement. As a freelancer, hosting a website is the ONLY way to get your website published and visible to everyone on the web. If you sell a product or o... > freelance-animation-jobs

5 Freelance Animation Jobs Sites + Best Types of Animation Jobs To Consider

Animation is an exciting industry, and a lot of creative people have participated in creating some incredible animated content over the years. It’s easy to see a Pixar film or a clever children’s ... > 7-reasons-why-freelancers-should-start-a-podcast

7 Reasons Why Freelancers Should Start a Podcast

If you’re like many freelancers, building a consistent pipeline of work from ideal clients is an ongoing challenge. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are getting more and more competitive, and tradit... > become-a-freelancer-on-upwork

How to Become a Freelancer on Upwork (Fast Guide)

If you are looking to become a freelancer on Upwork, then this guide is for you. The platform allows you to grow your profile and gain experience with some of the biggest names in the industry. One of... > freelance-retainer

Freelance Retainers 101: How to Collect Monthly Retainer Fees

A freelance retainer is by far the best way to stabilize your income as a freelancer. But figuring out how to structure your pricing as a freelancer can be difficult when you’re first starting out. ...