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A Quick Guide into Freelancing: Pros, Cons + How to Get Work

As if COVID-19 and millions of lives this pandemic consumed weren’t enough, we are staring at another formidable challenge – loss of jobs and economic recession. Anybody who stays updated on r... > freelance-art-jobs

10 Top Freelance Art Jobs Sites to Find Creative Work in 2024

Finding freelance art jobs doesn’t have to be difficult. Because of the nature of freelance work, it’s hard to get a solid number on how many freelancers there are in the world. Based on estimates... > web-projects-management

10 Best Web Projects Management Software + How to Set Up for Success

Web projects management matters because it sets the entire tone for a task. With the right plan, everyone is on the same page and you finish tasks in an orderly manner. Everyone works more efficiently... > gifts-for-photographers

30 Best Gifts for Photographers for Every Budget

As we head into the end of the year, it’s time to celebrate the approach of the holiday season — that joyful spell of songs, snow, sugar cookies… and many headaches as you attempt to nail down y... > gift-ideas-for-creative-people-designers-writers

44 Perfect Gifts for Creative People (Fun Ideas + Tips)

Gifts for creative people seem to have a bit more pressure attached to them, don’t they? Because it’s always those same creative people who seem to have the absolute best gift ideas for the rest o... > best-laptop-for-artists

8 Best Laptops for Artists in September 2024

Laptops, for artists, can be a critical tool in making a living. For some artists, their entire livelihood can depend on the laptop they work on. When digital files are how you generate income, you ne... > best-work-life-balance-jobs

10 Best Work-Life Balance Jobs in 2024

Have you ever wondered how other working individuals get to enjoy their careers while still spending quality time with their families at home or during vacation? The truth is, there’s no secret ... > freelance-designing-worth-it

Is Freelancing Worth it in 2024? The Answer is Yes: Here’s Why

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the ways that we live and work, people are increasingly looking for new ways to make a living. Perhaps you’ve been laid off, furloughed, or had your hour... > how-to-follow-up-on-a-job-application

How to Follow Up on a Job Application: Best Practices for Freelancers

For many freelancers, getting new projects sometimes feels like an uphill battle. A lack of responses from clients is often the reason for that. Many times, even nicely written job applications get no... > time-management-tips-for-designers

5 Ways to Master Time Management for Creatives

Whether you’re a freelance graphic designer or an aspiring entrepreneur building the next unicorn, you probably scramble to find enough time to finish all the work that needs to be done. Time manage...