Page 37 of 370 results for Client Base > should-i-list-my-prices-on-my-website

Should you list your prices on your website? (Here’s what I do)

It’s a conundrum many of us creative entrepreneurs face: do I list pricing (or typical pricing) on my website or not? Some entrepreneurs swear by it; others refuse…and both make valid argu... > 12-sure-fire-ways-to-be-happier-as-a-freelance-designer

12 Sure-fire ways to be happier as a freelance designer

I consider myself an incredibly fortunate person. Through a combination of hard work and luck, I am a freelance designer – my dream job. For all of its ups and downs, complications and stressful mom... > how-to-find-hire-and-work-with-an-accountant

How to find, hire, and work with a great accountant

It can be expensive to work with an accountant. Do you really need one? And what, beyond filing your tax return, should you use them for? If you’re serious about growing your business, the right acc... > top-tax-deductions-creative-entrepreneurs

The best last-minute purchases for major tax savings next year as a freelancer

The end of the year is upon us, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to save a little bit of cash next spring on your freelance business taxes. We want to help you rack up as many tax deduc... > avoid-distractions-working-home

How to avoid distractions when working from home

Working from home has many perks: more time and money otherwise spent on commuting, flexible schedule, and an opportunity to combine work and family life. All this comes at a price – some people fin... > say-promoting-freelance-business-social-media

What NOT to say when promoting your freelance business on social media

Social Media is notorious for being a hotbed for overly honest confessions, offensive rants, and embarrassing photos you don’t want your employer seeing. To an extent, that’s expected for one’s ... > 6-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-fear-design-outsourcing

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fear Design Outsourcing

It seems I caused a little bit of a stir in my last post when I suggested you could potentially outsource some design tasks to cheaper labour in places like Manilla. I do love a hearty discussion so I... > what-kind-of-contract-should-i-use-for-small-or-ongoing-projects

What kind of contract should I use for small or ongoing projects?

Have you ever struggled to write a contract for ongoing work? You’re not alone. One Millo reader commented: Love the article you posted today about freelance with a contract. I’m curious,... > where-will-i-see-you-in-6-months

Where will I see you in 6 months?

If you’re anything like me, you probably set a lot of goals. If you’re running your own business, you simply have to. But it seems like the more I talk with people, the more I learn that t... > we-vs-i-the-best-pronoun-for-a-freelance-business

“We” vs “I” – the best pronoun for a freelance business

If you’re like me, once you started using your official business name, “we” vs “I” became a big issue. Which sounds better? Am I misrepresenting myself if I use we? What ...