Page 5 of 79 results for Project Timeline > how-to-keep-clients-coming-back

6 Tips to Keep Clients Coming Back as a Freelancer

Acquiring new clients is far more tedious (and consequently costlier) than “activating” current clients. Ever wonder how to get clients to keep coming back? A 2014 study by Harvard Business School... > upwork-jobs-for-beginners

Top Upwork Jobs For Beginners With No Experience

Finding work can be arduous, especially when you are a beginner. The challenge of finding a job as a freelancer without experience may seem impossible. However, the process has become much easier with... > these-client-communication-hacks-will-grow-your-business

8 Client Communication Skills to Grow Your Business Fast

Client communication is one of the most important ways to grow your service-based business. That’s because good client communication leads to happier clients. And happier clients means more referral... > freelance-burnout

5 Best Ways to Avoid Freelance Burnout Before It’s Too Late

If you’re a freelancer or professional whose interest was piqued by this article, you most likely have experienced freelance burnout. You probably already know what burnout is, and I may not need to... > difficult-clients

7 Types of Difficult Clients & How to Avoid Them

Difficult clients — we have ALL been there. Am I right? You land that elusive contract, start planning how you will spend the money, and then, as you get into the day-to-day project stuff, you start... > freelance-vs-employee

Freelance vs Employee: 8 Tips to Choose the Best Option for You

The question of being a freelance vs employee is more important to the modern workforce than ever before. 2021 came to be defined as the year of the Great Resignation. According to the U.S. Bureau of ... > 7-proven-ways-to-establish-trust-with-your-clients-as-a-freelancer

7 Proven Ways to Build Trust Among Corporate Clients for Freelancers with Rimuut

Stuck with a single gig for the last couple of months? After going solo in business, life gets incredibly sweeter, but consistency in work and sustainability of workflows are terribly hard to achieve.... > upwork-proposals

How to Write Upwork Proposals That WIN

One of the most frustrating things as a freelancer is sending Upwork proposals and never hearing back. There is no way around it. It doesn’t feel good to spend hours putting together just the right ... > graphic-design-marketing-ideas

9 Graphic Design Marketing Ideas You Should Be Trying

It’s an exciting time to be a graphic designer. There are various careers you can pursue. However, without a clear set of graphic design marketing ideas, you will find it challenging to raise awaren... > say-no-client-re-establish-boundaries

8 Tips for Setting Boundaries With Clients Respectfully

Setting boundaries with clients is an incredibly difficult task for freelancers and small business owners. On one hand, you want to attract clients and keep them as happy as possible. But then, the cl...