Page 7 of 370 results for Client Base > how-to-write-a-creative-proposal-that-converts

My 3-step guide to client pitches that convert like crazy

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re tired of pitching your services to crickets. You feel like you’re constantly being solicited by the clients you don’t want, and can’t even get thos... > how-i-went-from-project-based-work-to-8-5k-in-monthly-recurring-revenue

How I went from project-based work to $8.5K+ in monthly recurring revenue

For the first year and a half of my adventure into freelancing, I was primarily a web designer. If someone needed a website, I would gladly design it for them. Sometimes I helped with some basic marke... > use-email-marketing-to-find-new-clients

How our agency uses email marketing to find new clients fast

When you’re ready to make a big purchase… let’s say a new computer… you probably go steps like these: First, you start getting tired of the old one. So you start browsing around some websites,... > how-to-handle-tough-client-conversations-and-save-the-relationship

How to handle tough client conversations and save the relationship

Being a solopreneur is a lot of fun. You almost always get to make your own schedule, wear whatever you want, reject projects that aren’t a good fit, not drive during rush hour…it’s ... > sell-clients-landing-pages

How to boost your clients’ revenue (and your own) with landing pages

Landing pages are a relatively new type of a page in the web design landscape, that’s for sure. And in general, if you happen to be working with a client who’s just starting their online ... > client-threatens-bad-review

What to do if a client threatens you with a “bad review”

A few days ago, the phone rang at 10am. “Reliable! This is Lou,” my wife and business partner, Lou, said. (We run a design / marketing agency, but recently started Reliable: our new PSD to HTML &a... > how-to-find-clients-in-a-new-city

How to find clients in a new city

If you’ve ever experienced the “joy” of moving* (especially if you’ve accumulated furniture), you know that not only are you learning the ropes in a new community personally, b... > how-not-to-act-when-your-client-asks-for-revisions

How NOT to act when your client asks for revisions

I’m a freelancer and entrepreneur. And many of you know that just a few years ago, I also took a desk job. So I have a unique perspective on working with clients. Half the day, I work for client... > when-to-bill-design-clients

When should you bill your design clients?

Designing great-looking logos or websites (or whatever your passion is) can be one of the most exhilarating experiences for designers like us. But after a while, you start to realize it’s not ju... > how-to-build-and-scale-a-virtual-creative-agency-in-2024

How To Build And Scale A Virtual Creative Agency In 2024

Building a virtual creative agency feels daunting, and I felt the same when I started my SEO agency. But in 2024, having your own business is a lot more viable thanks to modern tech like Slack and inn...