Page 33 of 402 results for make more money > best-invoice-software

11 Best Invoice and Contract Software (BOTH) in September 2024

Invoice and contract software can make working with clients much simpler. In fact, if you can find software that not only creates contracts, but then seamlessly sends invoices based on the terms in th... > feast-or-famine

How to Kill the Feast or Famine Cycle and Get Reliable Freelance Work Year-Round

The feast or famine cycle is the burden bearing down on many freelancer’s backs. However, that doesn’t mean freelancing isn’t a wonderful way to make your money. You get to parlay your specific ... > past-due-invoice

Have a Past-Due Invoice? 3 Email Scripts to Get Paid Now

There are plenty of things in the business world that are more frustrating than dealing with a past-due invoice, but few that are more irritating. It’s the principle of the matter that really grates... > 7-things-to-consider-when-buying-health-insurance-as-a-freelancer

7 Things to Consider When Buying Health Insurance as a Freelancer

Navigating the U.S. Health Insurance system as a freelancer can be pretty overwhelming, especially the first time you do it. While many countries have healthcare covered by their central government (c... > how-to-write-an-invoice-for-freelance-work

How To Write an Invoice For Freelance Work That Gets You Paid

Experienced freelancers know how to write an invoice for freelance work, but those just starting out may not. An invoice for freelance work is essential to getting paid for your job. And there are man... > how-to-use-video-to-stand-out-from-the-crowd-and-attract-your-ideal-client

How to Use Video to Stand Out From the Crowd and Attract Your Ideal Client

If you’re a solopreneur, freelancer or anyone who uses social media as a business tool (which should be ALL of you!), you’ve probably noticed that video content is bigger than ever. In a world wit... > scope-creep-good-business-happens

Scope creep is great for your business—if you handle it like this

I remember receiving some bad news earlier in my career from a client that I was doing some identity work for. We’d finished the logo, moved on to the stationery, and were just about to wrap thi... > what-is-an-invoice

What Is An Invoice? Your All-in-One Resource for Learning to Get Paid

Whether you run a small business or you’re a freelancer, you’ll need to get paid at some point — this is when the invoice comes in. While many of us have heard of invoices, it’s totally a diff... > 508000-worth-of-advice-for-freelance-writers

$508,000 Worth of Business Advice for Freelance Writers

Lots of freelance writers start out following their passion and then try to make money. I’ve done the reverse. I started my career as a software sales rep and got into freelance writing partly becau... > freelance-graphic-design-jobs

17 Awesome Freelance Graphic Design Jobs Sites to Find Clients Fast

Knowing where to find good freelance graphic design jobs is crucial. Luckily, these days you don’t have to search far and wide just to secure good leads to stay in business. Whether you want to supp...