634 results found for Freelance App

millo.co > moxie-app-review

Moxie App Review: I Tested it as a Freelancer—Here’s What I Think

Running a freelance business can be overwhelming. I should know. I’m a freelancer myself. But I’ve never been 100% sure how to get organized—not sure what the best way to get all of my c...

millo.co > how-to-hire-a-freelancer

7 Steps to Hire a Freelancer (Who Won’t Disappoint)

If you’ve never done it before, figuring out how to hire a freelancer can be a bit overwhelming. Should you hire a freelancer from your own network? Use a freelance platform like Upwork? or is t...

millo.co > freelance-statistics-and-trends

Freelance Statistics Show Freelancers are Happier & Wealthier

Freelance statistics have shown a dramatic shift following the global shakeup caused by Covid-19. There are a few reasons for this sudden shift—most of which you’ll understand as you dive into the...

millo.co > how-to-follow-up-on-a-job-application

How to Follow Up on a Job Application: Best Practices for Freelancers

For many freelancers, getting new projects sometimes feels like an uphill battle. A lack of responses from clients is often the reason for that. Many times, even nicely written job applications get no...

millo.co > 36-easy-to-use-time-tracking-tools-for-freelancers

15 Freelance Time-Tracking Apps Pro Freelancers Use in 2025

There’s no shortage of freelance time tracking apps on the market today, and for good reason: time is money. And if you’re not tracking your time as a freelancer you’re probably leaving some of ...

millo.co > getting-paid-as-a-freelancer

How to Get Paid As a Freelancer in 2025 (Apps & Advice That Work)

Getting paid as a freelancer can be extremely rewarding or terribly frustrating depending on your situation. Maybe it’s because most schools never teach students how to get paid as a freelancer—le...

millo.co > the-reality-is-that-freelancers-are-happy-and-prospering

The reality is that freelancers are happy and prospering

The gig economy is on the rise. Freelance statistics reveal more people are freelancing than ever before in almost every region on the world. But is it a good or a bad thing? Opinions in this field va...

millo.co > 10-best-smartphone-apps-for-freelance-designers

11 Best smartphone apps for freelance designers

With the emergence of more powerful smartphone devices, there is a wide range of tools available for freelance designers. Many of these apps are free, yet versatile and have a lot to offer. Finding th...

millo.co > 12-sure-fire-ways-to-be-happier-as-a-freelance-designer

12 Sure-fire ways to be happier as a freelance designer

I consider myself an incredibly fortunate person. Through a combination of hard work and luck, I am a freelance designer – my dream job. For all of its ups and downs, complications and stressful mom...

millo.co > what-your-freelance-portfolio-really-says-about-you

What Your Freelance Portfolio Really Says About You

Your freelance portfolio reveals a lot about you. When you’re running your own freelancing business, your reputation is everything. That’s because you most likely don’t have millions...