Bianca's Recent Articles

A Simple 3-Step Process to Selling Freelance Services

Sep 16, 2024

For some freelancers, we really dislike the ‘selling’ part of freelancing. Not many freelancers I know do, including myself. When I hit the footpath to find my first 20 freelance clients a...

97 Habits of insanely profitable freelancers

May 31, 2023

If you want to be insanely profitable doing what you love then you need to find a happy balance between art and commerce. Basically, you need a head for business and a mind for getting the work done. ...

My 9-Step Guide To Attracting “A-level” freelance clients

Oct 11, 2021

Remember that time you created the most amazing logo concepts for that client? You smashed it out of the park. Completely nailed the brief. So excited by your own ability you couldn’t wipe the smirk...

My top 7 secrets to running a (super-successful) creative business

Oct 02, 2019

This year marks my eleventh year in business. That’s 11 years of solid practice running a design business and figuring out what works… and what doesn’t. Just the other day I had a client say to ...

The one thing I wish I’d known before my first client 13 years ago

Jul 25, 2016

It’s truly amazing what getting knocked down 4,873 times can teach you. I mean honestly, if you knew how hard it would be to run a successful design business, would you still do it? In the early da...

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Mar 27, 2015

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�...

How to turn your day-to-day struggle into a creative business you love

Mar 02, 2015

If you’re anything like I was just a few years ago, you’re probably working your tush off, spinning your wheels like a hamster on steroids and feeling like it’s just not paying off. Like your ba...

7 Ways to save startup costs (that I wish I did 10 years ago!)

Nov 26, 2014

So you want to start a business? Or perhaps you just did? Are you mad? Bonkers? Insane? Lost your marbles? Quick, you still have time! Get outta here!! Run for your life. Run for the hills. Go on, go!...

What I do when a web design client doesn’t pay me

Oct 15, 2014

When it comes to getting paid, we run a pretty tight ship here at Web123, but it wasn’t always beer and skittles. A few years ago our Debtors used to always be sitting at $120,000+ outstanding. It f...

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fear Design Outsourcing

Sep 10, 2014

It seems I caused a little bit of a stir in my last post when I suggested you could potentially outsource some design tasks to cheaper labour in places like Manilla. I do love a hearty discussion so I...

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

Mar 07, 2014

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR...