
Freelancing is one of the quickest ways to build your own business. Whether you want to escape the 9-5, build up income on the side, or grow a full-fledged agency, freelancing is a great place to start. Here are some of our best articles all about succeeding as a freelancer.

8 Best Invoicing Software for Freelancers in July 2024

8 Best Invoicing Software for Freelancers in July 2024

When I started freelancing, I wasted hours on manual invoicing. Then I discovered invoicing software—a game-changer for my business. Now there are countless options, making...

9 Best CRM for Freelancers in July 2024

9 Best CRM for Freelancers in July 2024

A CRM (customer relationship management) tool isn’t just for big companies; it’s valuable for freelancers too. It can help you manage clients, track interactions, and...

What to Do When Facing Loneliness as a Freelancer

What to Do When Facing Loneliness as a Freelancer

When I first started working as a freelancer, loneliness wasn’t a concern. The promise of choosing my own hours, skipping the rush of a commute,...

How to Get Freelance Clients Using SEO (Local & Global)

How to Get Freelance Clients Using SEO (Local & Global)

As a freelance logo designer based in Birmingham, I know firsthand how crucial it is to be easily discoverable by potential clients. One of the...

Why You Should Always Put Freelance Work on Your Resume

Why You Should Always Put Freelance Work on Your Resume

Digitization has transformed nearly all sectors of life, including the employment industry. The traditional 9-5 jobs are no longer evidence of professional and career achievement....

How I built a successful freelance business from literally nothing

How I built a successful freelance business from literally nothing

With the new year approaching this is the perfect time to start something new. Something about a fresh start really motivates us to dig into...

10 Ways to Support the Freelancers You Hire

10 Ways to Support the Freelancers You Hire

As a freelancer, my journey has been a tapestry of triumphs, trials, and tremendous growth. The freelance life, often romanticized for its flexibility and freedom,...

What Agencies Really Want to Hear from Freelancers

What Agencies Really Want to Hear from Freelancers

As an agency owner, my partner Lou and I have seen our fair share of pitches from freelancers over the years. I’ll be honest –...

Podcast Cover - Freelance to Founder

How to Freelance for Nike, Spotify, Stripe and Other Big Clients

As a freelancer, getting to work with major brands like Nike, Spotify, and Stripe may seem like a distant dream. But Kate Mrozowski Lim has...

5 Email Automation Tips to Get Clients on Autopilot

5 Email Automation Tips to Get Clients on Autopilot

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for businesses that look to generate a steady stream of customers and retain the existing ones....

How to Get More Clients By Crafting Your Freelance Narrative

How to Get More Clients By Crafting Your Freelance Narrative

In the competitive realm of freelancing, possessing technical expertise alone isn’t enough to distinguish oneself. Standing out in the crowded market requires freelancers to embrace...

13 Sites with Beginner Freelance Writing Jobs in 2024

13 Sites with Beginner Freelance Writing Jobs in 2024

Right now, beginners can find freelance writing jobs more easily than ever before. In the past, entry-level freelance writers had to sift through thousands of...