Freya's Recent Articles
15 Questions to Ask Entrepreneurs (So You Can Become One)
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? It’s a simple question, but the answer could determine whether you succeed or fail in business. A strong why keeps entrepreneurs focused and willing ...
6 Mistakes Freelancers Make When Setting Up an LLC
Freelancing is on the rise like never before. In 2023, 73% of U.S. workers planned to freelance. An astonishing 46% of the global workforce is self-employed. In 2023, 72% of Gen Zers planned to leave ...
7 PayPal Alternatives for Freelancers to Collect Payments
Being a freelancer is all about the hustle, saving money, and getting paid. As an established or even a new freelancer, it is important to offer the most convenient payment methods to your customer. I...
5 Accounting Tips to Survive: The Annual Guide
Gone are the days when people thought of an accountant and pictured someone with several books and ledgers open in front of them, furiously calculating away and making notes on some paper. Now, when p...