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Understanding freelancing insurance + do you need it?

The Freelancer’s Union recently announced the ability for members to purchase liability insurance. But as freelance designers, do we really need it? Truthfully, when I read the “hey, we’... > should-you-bill-your-freelance-clients-for-meeting-time-and-other-misc-work

Should you bill your freelance clients for meeting time and other misc. work?

We’ve had tons of reader questions rolling in here at Millo and I absolutely love it! Today’s question comes from Colleen who asks: “Should I be charging for client meetings? [What a... > 10-tips-to-make-your-design-files-print-ready

10 Tips to Make Your Design Files Print-Ready

All print designers are familiar with deadlines and the havoc they can often wreak on your life! It is incredibly frustrating to spend hours and hours designing your work in Photoshop, only to send it...