52 Best Tools for Freelancers to Get Clients & Grow Revenue
Below, you'll find our absolute favorite tools for freelancers. We've been freelancing ourselves or working with thousands of freelancers every day for the last 12+ years and we've seen a lot of freelance tools come and go. But the tools listed below are our current favorites. From classic tools to newcomers, we can personally vouch for everything listed below which means you can use these tools to grow your freelance business with confidence. Use the category buttons to narrow down your search. We hope you enjoy! —The Millo Team
- Top Picks
- Freelance Jobs
- Invoicing
- Productivity
- Accounting
- Outsourcing
- Time Tracking
- Insurance
- Marketing
- Sales
- Creativity
- Hosting
- WordPress
- Learning
- Legal

Leverage the power of AI together with human expertise to get matched with the best freelance jobs from around the web.
Try SolidGigs or read our SolidGigs review
A forward-looking time-tracking and invoicing software to plan and forecast a profitable future. Will your freelance business be profitable 12 months from now? Meet Harpoon.
Try Harpoon
Cry less while managing receipts, expenses, and income. Our AI-powered tool reduces manual financial tasks by up to 95%, supporting any language and currency.
Try SparkReceipt
All-in-one CRM for small to medium businesses, combining sales, marketing, and operations tools. Get a unified view of customer interactions across channels at a competitive price.
Try GreenRope or read our GreenRope review
Maximize productivity with automated time tracking, project management, and real-time employee monitoring. Gain actionable insights to optimize efficiency for office-based and remote teams.
Try Insightful
An online accounting and invoicing solution that saves you time and makes you look professional – Fortune 500 professional.
Try FreshBooksHubSpot
All-in-one suite of marketing, sales, and customer service tools to help your freelance business or agency grow predictably.
Try HubSpotMoxie
Everything you need to thrive as a freelancer. From contracts, proposals, and client management to invoicing, branded client portal, and a ton more.
Try Moxie or read our Moxie reviewUpwork
A freelance marketplace that helps companies and freelancers work together to reach their maximum potential.
Try Upwork or read our Upwork reviewMonday
Monday.com is a powerful project management and productivity platform. Streamline your work, manage tasks, track progress, and boost productivity with Monday.com.
Try Monday or read our Monday reviewBloom
Manage your creative business in one place. Bloom provides a powerful business management and growth toolset, to help you launch your side-gig or freelance business.
Try Bloom or read our Bloom reviewKeap
CRM and marketing automation software designed to help small businesses grow. Organize your leads, automate marketing, and save time on administrative tasks.
Try Keap or read our Keap reviewDubsado
All-in-one business management suite for freelancers and small businesses. From CRM to automation and invoicing, Dubsado streamlines your workflow and helps you succeed.
Try DubsadoBonsai
The business and invoicing management solution that gives you peace of mind and allows you to focus on your work. Used by 500,000+ freelancers globally.
Try Bonsai or read our Bonsai reviewCollective
The first back-office designed for freelancers – company formation, tax, accounting and bookkeeping services. Switch to an S Corp and save $10,000/year with Collective.
Try CollectiveHoneyBook
A tool with everything you need to get business done. Over 100K freelancers trust HoneyBook to manage projects, book clients, send invoices, and get paid.
Try HoneyBook or read our HoneyBook reviewLunafi
Manage your freelance finances with AI-powered write-off recommendations, tax estimations and invoicing.
Try LunafiContent Snare
An all-in-one solution for client content, documents and onboarding - helping you waste less time chasing clients and instead get to do work that you can actually charge for.
Try Content SnareClearVoice
A source of new content that engages and converts for you. Entrust your content creation to networked teams of freelancers managed by producers dedicated to your brand.
Try ClearVoiceBench
An online bookkeeping and tax filing solution powered by real humans. It gives you monthly financial statements and expense overviews to keep you in control of your money.
Try BenchFiverr Workspace
A free software for freelancers to run their entire business on the fly. From invoicing, contracts, and proposals to time tracking and task management.
Try Fiverr Workspace or read our Fiverr Workspace reviewZenBusiness
Create your LLC in minutes. Get fast and simple services to launch your business starting at $0 plus state fees.
Try ZenBusinessGusto
The all-in-one solution you need to hire, pay, insure, and support your team, alongwith saving your business time and money.
Try GustoLili
A banking service designed for freelancers. The one-stop shop for all your freelance business financial needs — banking, accounting and taxes.
Try Lili or read our Lili reviewFiverr
The world's largest marketplace for digital services, offers both buyers and sellers a digitally streamlined transactional platform. Start selling your services today.
Try FiverrClientJoy
The prospect-to-payment platform for freelancers. 13K+ freelancers from 90+ countries put in less time, have happier clients and run a healthier business with Clientjoy.
Try ClientJoy or read our ClientJoy reviewFlexJobs
The #1 job search site for hand-screened flexible and remote jobs (work from home jobs) since 2007. Plus get resume, coaching and career help. Join today!
Try FlexJobsFreelancer
An online job marketplace that provides a means for clients and freelancers around the globe to collaborate for mutual benefit. World's largest by number of users and projects.
Try FreelancerAWeber
A powerfully-simple email marketing designed to help your small business grow - now for free. Run your business and leave the email marketing to AWeber.
Try AWeberConvertKit
The go-to marketing hub for creators that helps you grow and monetize your audience with ease. Grow your audience, automate your marketing, and sell your digital products.
Try ConvertKitFunctionFox
The leading web-based timesheet and project management app for creative teams. Simple timesheets and estimates, time and project reports, scheduling, tasks, calendars and more.
Try FunctionFoxQuickBooks
Smarter business tools for the world's hardest workers.
Try QuickBooks or read our QuickBooks reviewBluehost
A large website hosting provider that powers millions of websites. Launch your website with a simple 1-click WP install and host it at low monthly rates. Recommended by WordPress.
Try BluehostCanva
A free-to-use online graphic design tool. Use it to easily create amazing social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.
Try CanvaCreativeLive
An online creative community aimed at freelancers and creative professionals. Get on-demand classes in photography, art, design, craft and DIY, marketing, business, and more.
Try CreativeLiveactiTime
A time tracking software for making smart moves and reaching new heights. See how your time is distributed, identify bottlenecks and drains to deliver faster, wherever you are.
Try actiTimeCreative Market
A platform for handcrafted digital design content from freelancers around the world. Diversify your revenue streams by selling your creations and get passive income.
Try Creative MarketDesignCuts
The very best design resources at prices affordable for everyone. Use them to improve your sites and campaigns or even consider becoming a seller.
Try DesignCutsDivi
A popular WordPress theme that offers a website-building platform. It gives newbies and pros the tools required to craft engaging, visually appealing websites, even without coding.
Try DiviDreamHost
An award-winning hosting company, recommended by WordPress. They offer domains, hosting, managed WP hosting, business email, and much more. 100% uptime guarantee and 24/7 support.
Try DreamHostDripify
The ultimate learning platform for entrepreneurs. Stop giving your money to agencies and learn how to build out your own marketing system.
Try DripifyFlywheel
The all-in-one WordPress hosting platform. Manage your client’s WordPress websites in one place, earn recurring revenue, and continuously delight them. All that you need to grow.
Try FlywheelLegalZoom
The leading provider of personalized, online legal solutions and legal documents for freelancers. A one-stop solution for your legal needs, making legal help accessible to all.
Try LegalZoomMomentum Planner
A set of tools, insights, and solutions to make you more productive. Their products will help you take effective action and get you where you’re trying to go.
Try Momentum PlannerReply
The all-in-one sales engagement platform to create new freelance opportunities at scale while keeping every touchpoint personal. Get more meetings in a click with Reply.
Try ReplyShopify
An eCommerce platform solution to start, run, and grow your freelance business. Create your first website with ecommerce features today and start selling your services worldwide.
Try ShopifySkillshare
An online learning platform and community with thousands of courses taught by experts. Take a class, watch video lessons, create projects, and teach as well. Get one month free.
Try SkillsharePipedrive
The easy-to-use, top-rated CRM tool. Get more qualified leads and grow your freelance business with Pipedrive. Close 28% more deals in your first year.
Try PipedriveWP Engine
A fully managed WordPress platform and developer solutions trusted by 1M+ freelancers and brands of all sizes. A smarter way to WordPress - The most trusted WordPress hosting.
Try WP EngineUdemy
An online learning and teaching marketplace with over 204,000 courses and 54 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and a lot more, on your schedule.
Try UdemyMailChimp
A top email marketing and automation software that gives you ways to get more opens, clicks, and sales. Win a lot of freelance clients and turn emails into revenue.
Try MailChimpBreeze
An easy way to buy disability insurance online and protect your greatest asset — your income. Check your rates with instant disability insurance quotes, and apply online.
Try Breeze