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ZipBooks vs Wave: Features, Price, Pros and Cons, What’s Best in 2024?

The $1.3 trillion gig economy is scaling at a CAGR of 5%. Freelancers are spoilt for choices when it comes to accounting software. Two of the top options to choose between are ZipBooks and Wave Apps. ... > freelance-retainer

Freelance Retainers 101: How to Collect Monthly Retainer Fees

A freelance retainer is by far the best way to stabilize your income as a freelancer. But figuring out how to structure your pricing as a freelancer can be difficult when you’re first starting out. ... > freelancer-invoicing-101-how-to-create-an-invoice-get-paid

Freelancer Invoicing 101: How to Create an Invoice & Get Paid

Running my own small business, I work with freelancers and contractors all the time. And I’m constantly shocked at how many new freelancers don’t understand freelancer invoicing basics, like how t... > freelance-pricing

Freelance Pricing Guide: Strategies, Tactics & Mistakes to Avoid

Have you ever had problems figuring out your freelance pricing? Even if you’ve been freelancing for a long time, pricing might still be a challenging task for you. The reason is that money is us... > how-to-become-a-freelance-accountant

How to Become a Freelance Accountant & Find More Jobs

Working for a firm, though a goal for many, is not your only option as an accountant. Fortunately for today’s qualified workers, the gig economy is flourishing, and it offers accountants another opp... > passive-income-apps

14 Passive Income Apps to Make Money on Autopilot

For many people, no matter their age or situation, being able to earn passively is the ultimate fantasy. Using passive income apps is one of the best ways to make some extra cash for yourself or to in... > questions-to-ask-when-creating-a-website

40 Questions to Ask When Creating a Website for A Smooth Onboarding Process

It’s pretty tough to have a business without a website. Almost anyone can put up a simple, pre-built landing page, but building a great website takes a lot of skill and finesse. That’s where you c... > when-and-how-you-should-turn-down-a-project-thats-not-for-you

How To Decline A Client Project 5 Ways (Politely & Respectfully)

As a freelancer, there will inevitably come a time when you’ll have to decline a project. Every professional working in the graphic design, website design, marketing, development, and writing indust... > quickbooks-vs-wave

QuickBooks vs Wave: Which Is Better For Your Business in 2024?

When it comes to comparing accounting software, QuickBooks is probably the most recognizable and well-known. However, Wave has some very robust features (and attractive pricing) that puts it up as a s... > how-to-legally-start-a-freelance-business

How To Legally Start A Freelance Business In 9 Steps

Being a freelancer can be a liberating experience. It gives you the potential to work anywhere in the world, from your couch or a park bench. However, if you don’t want any trouble from the IRS, you...