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20+ Graphic design portfolios you’ve gotta see before designing yours

Looking to revamp your own graphic design portfolio? Or maybe you’re like us and just like to look at design portfolios and graphic design blogs to be totally inspired. We’ve searched the inte... > how-to-write-a-creative-proposal-that-converts

My 3-step guide to client pitches that convert like crazy

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re tired of pitching your services to crickets. You feel like you’re constantly being solicited by the clients you don’t want, and can’t even get thos... > fonts-convert-best-web-design-using

Which fonts convert best in web design & are you using them?

You know what makes up a good website: great color scheme, intuitive navigation, and awesome calls-to-action (among many other things). Since all of these elements are calculated to stand out, it make... > long-test-marketing-idea-giving

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�... > dos-donts-branding-business-right

10 Essential dos and don’ts of branding your solo business

As a creative entrepreneur, sometimes it feels like you’re supposed to be automatically awesome at creating a stellar brand for your solo business. The truth is, perfecting your own brand is t... > how-to-negotiate-with-clients-and-vendors-like-a-pro-this-year

How to negotiate with clients (or anyone) like a pro this year

Negotiations always give me the jitters. Am I proposing a fair deal? Am I about to get swindled? Should I look elsewhere? Am I going to lose this project? Is this client going to be more stress than t... > 5-fonts-will-kill-design-great-alternatives

5 Fonts that will kill your design (and 5 great alternatives)

It seems like trends these days come to life and go to the grave in the time it takes to eat a sandwich. Designers have a difficult job of keeping abreast of typography trends and an even more difficu... > 8-ways-to-build-your-business-fast-with-4-per-day-the-cost-of-a-daily-coffee

8 Ways to build your business fast with $4 per day (the cost of a daily coffee)

If you’ve ever looked into personal finance, you’ve probably heard some sort of advice that sounds something like this: “If you saved $4 every day instead of spending it on your morn... > how-to-find-clients-in-a-new-city

How to find clients in a new city

If you’ve ever experienced the “joy” of moving* (especially if you’ve accumulated furniture), you know that not only are you learning the ropes in a new community personally, b... > 5-super-fun-and-easy-marketing-tips-for-your-design-business

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR...