Page 2 of 251 results for Net 15 > wordpress-alternatives

15 Best WordPress alternatives for your next website (How to choose)

Whether you’re interested in starting a blog or building your online portfolio you’ve probably had at least one person recommend WordPress as the website builder or content management of c... > net-30-isnt-good-freelance-business

Why net 30 isn’t good for your freelance business

Net 30 is one of the most common invoicing payment terms used by small, medium, and large businesses. While it is a standard payment practice, it isn’t the same for all size businesses, and this is ... > grow-business-networking-guy-hates-networking

How I grow my business through networking (from a guy who hates “networking”)

Back in the day we had no budget for marketing. So my partner and I would hit up the local networking events every week. For the most part they were completely worthless, and soul-sucking. Everyone th... > 15-workflow-tips-that-took-my-design-business-to-the-next-level

15 Workflow tips that took my design business to the next level

As busy freelancers, time is one of your most valuable assets. The more time you can save, the more money you can make. However; you can’t just spend less time on your client work and let the qu... > what-is-an-invoice

What Is An Invoice? Your All-in-One Resource for Learning to Get Paid

Whether you run a small business or you’re a freelancer, you’ll need to get paid at some point — this is when the invoice comes in. While many of us have heard of invoices, it’s totally a diff... > how-to-write-an-invoice

How to write an invoice (and get paid) in 5 easy steps

If you provide any sort of service or product to a client or customer, then you need to properly learn how to write an invoice. Learning how to write an invoice can be incredibly simple, but there are... > freelance-invoice-template

Freelance Invoice Template — Free download + answers to most common invoice questions

Finding or making the right freelance invoice template isn’t always easy. And finding one that simplifies your freelance process instead of making it more difficult further complicates the whole pro... > how-to-build-and-scale-a-virtual-creative-agency-in-2024

How To Build And Scale A Virtual Creative Agency In 2024

Building a virtual creative agency feels daunting, and I felt the same when I started my SEO agency. But in 2024, having your own business is a lot more viable thanks to modern tech like Slack and inn... > 4-free-payment-reminder-templates-to-help-you-get-paid

4 Free Payment Reminder Templates to Help You Get Paid

When I first started freelancing, I wasn’t very strategic with my client choices. I’d often partner with red-flag clients (or scammers), which would either result in very late payments for my busi... > how-to-overcome-ai-anxiety-as-a-freelancer

How to Overcome AI Anxiety as a Freelancer

Debates about Artificial Intelligence (AI) have seemingly been on repeat for a while now, with businesses finding themselves in an echo chamber about AI’s potential for innovation and efficiency rat...