Page 4 of 370 results for Client Base > when-and-how-you-should-turn-down-a-project-thats-not-for-you

How To Decline A Client Project 5 Ways (Politely & Respectfully)

As a freelancer, there will inevitably come a time when you’ll have to decline a project. Every professional working in the graphic design, website design, marketing, development, and writing indust... > when-to-fire-a-design-client

How to Fire a Client Professionally (3 Email Scripts)

As freelancers, we all rely on clients to generate income. Unfortunately, there are some times that the relationship with certain clients just isn’t working out. They may be difficult to work with, ... > basecamp-alternatives

9 Best Basecamp Alternatives For Easy Project Management

Are you looking for the best basecamp alternatives to help optimize collaboration and project management in your team? If you work in a team of more than two people, you must know the value of effecti... > linkedin-profinder

The LinkedIn ProFinder Guide to Get More Clients

LinkedIn ProFinder makes finding good matches between freelancers and clients easier than ever before. In this article, let’s look at how both the employer and the freelancer can use the platform to... > remote-web-design-jobs

8 Best Remote Web Design Jobs Sites To Find Reliable Clients

Millions of people around the world are no longer working in offices. Some people are afraid that they will never return to their job, while others are working remotely. Many businesses are put on pau... > tips-on-presenting-logos-to-a-client

How to Present a Logo to Clients in 6 Steps (Tips from Experts)

Mastering how to present a logo to clients can take years of practice and experience. Plus, there’s the pressure of getting a client logo presentation right the first time in order to avoid starting... > freelance-web-developer-jobs

14 Freelance Web Developer Jobs Sites to Get New Dev Clients

Knowing where to find high-quality freelance web developer jobs is critical to keeping your freelance dev business thriving. But with so many choices on where to actually find freelance web developer ... > 3-steps-used-book-7000-pm-retainer-agreements

3 Steps I used to book $7,000/month in retainer clients

As a freelancer, it absolutely sucks to start out booking work for each month at $0.00. Because starting over from nothing means that every single month—while you’re also trying to juggle client w... > website-proposal-template

A Website Proposal Template That Will Impress Your Clients

Experience and a killer portfolio aren’t always enough to land you a design job. Before clients hire you, they want to know what you have in mind for their websites, how you’ll accomplish ... > killer-branding-questionnaire

A Killer Branding Questionnaire Guide for Your Brand Identity Clients

Whether you are a freelance designer, copywriter or solo marketer, you aim for providing first-class service to your clients. In order to do so, every project should start with a plan, and having a br...