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16 Sites Like Upwork for Freelancers in 2024

Websites like Upwork are a fast way to discover new clients and land freelance work. Initially, I doubted Upwork, believing it was filled with clients who wanted to underpay freelancers. But, after ex... > freelance-skills

These 20+ High-Demand Freelance Skills Pay You The Most

Freelance skills are more sought after today than ever before. The days when people saw freelance skills as less important than regular 9-to-5 job skills are over. Now, freelancing is a popular and pr... > freelancer-resume

How to Write a Freelancer Resume that Wins Clients

An effective freelancer resume can be the difference between getting ignored by clients and filling your client pipeline. If you’ve done any amount of freelancing, you know landing the best freelanc... > 5-boring-but-powerful-tips-that-made-me-a-six-figure-freelancer

5 Boring (But Powerful) Tips That Made Me a Six-Figure Freelancer

In 2018, 6 years after I started out as a freelancer, I became a six figure translator. Trust me when I say no one was more surprised than me as I reached that goal. I was probably in the top 1% of tr... > sites-like-fiverr

The 9 Best Alternative Sites Like Fiverr for Freelancers & Clients (2024)

Freelance job sites like Fiverr can be a great way to find work. With established site traffic and secure payment systems, it’s easy to see why so many freelancers turn to online marketplaces to get... > effective-tips-for-earning-money-on-amazon

9 Effective Tips to Earn Money on Amazon (2024)

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last 20 years, you’ll know Amazon as one of the largest companies by revenue, bringing in a staggering $514 billion in 2022. If you have been living under ... > client-gifts

169 Client Gift Ideas to ‘Wow’ Your Clients in 2024

Client gifts aren’t just a kind gesture you should consider at the end of each year. Sending client gifts any time of the year shows that you appreciate their business and care enough to plan ahead ... > freelance-ideas

33 Freelance Ideas You Can Start Today (From Home, For Free)

This past year the world has had to embrace a new normal. Which means millions of people have been left to explore freelance ideas as a way to make up for lost jobs, furloughs, or other unfortunate tr... > how-to-offer-a-professional-discount-without-cheapening-your-services

How to Write a Discount Offer Email + 3 Copy/Paste Templates

Giving discounts to clients or customers via email can be a great marketing strategy to spark a little energy into your business and drive sales for the month. But writing an email for giving discount... > how-to-scale-freelance-business

How to Scale a Freelance Business (the Right Way)

One thing is clear: the future is freelance. By 2027, freelancers are expected to become the majority workforce in the U.S. This makes the present the perfect time to learn how to scale your freelance...