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Can you make it as a full-time freelancer without any savings?

One of the first pieces of business advice you’ll hear is how it’s a good idea to save at least 6 months to a year of living expenses before trying to win big at full-time freelancing. W... > my-10-freelance-design-business-goals-and-tips-for-setting-yours

My 10 freelance business goals + tips for setting yours

Your design business will DIE without solid goals, because without a goal in mind, you have no basis for where to begin or what path to take. So when I first started freelancing, I purchased Preston&#... > recurring-revenue-and-retainer-based-clients

How to build recurring revenue from retainer-based clients

Retainers seem super complicated if you’ve never done them before. I know I used to be afraid of them because they seem like these big, scary monsters you just don’t know how you’ll tame. Then y... > my-secret-steady-money-freelance-designer

My secret to making steady money as a freelance designer

We share tips for making money as a freelancer here at Millo all the time. They include: upselling your design projects, generating passive income, specializing in a particular discipline or skill, a... > 4-sales-hacks-for-getting-new-clients-winning-negotiations-and-closing-the-deal-every-time

4 Sales hacks for getting new clients, winning negotiations, and closing the deal every time

I get that it’s possible to make good money without ever dealing with clients. But still, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess: you work with clients on an almost-daily basis. And, let’s be h... > what-freelancing-is-not

What freelancing is not.

There are a lot of stigmas about what freelancing is like. Blogs like this one tell you about how to start a freelance business, how to find more freelance clients, and how to get paid more as a freel... > how-i-went-from-losing-my-job-to-being-a-profitable-freelancer-in-18-months

How I went from losing my job to being a profitable freelancer in 18 months

If you would’ve told me when I got laid off I’d have a profitable freelance design business a mere 18 months later, I’d have laughed at your absurdity. Heck, I may have even snorted.... > is-it-okay-to-use-templates-and-themes-as-a-freelance-designer

Is it okay to use templates and themes as a freelance designer?

Have you ever used a theme or a template on one of your freelance web design projects? I have. And I’m (in my humble opinion) a good designer and coder. I’ve built tons of websites both fo... > independent-contractor-jobs

12 Independent Contractor Jobs Sites for Extra Cash in 2024

Many people dream of a job they will love, one that offers both creative and professional freedom. Exploring independent contractor jobs can answer this desire. This path opens more opportunities and ... > referral-partners-for-freelancers

How to Find Referral Partners as a Freelancer

Let’s talk about something that has made a massive difference for my freelance business over the last decade: referral partners. As an independent freelancer, I know firsthand that landing your ...