Page 58 of 621 results for how to get clients > how-i-went-from-project-based-work-to-8-5k-in-monthly-recurring-revenue

How I went from project-based work to $8.5K+ in monthly recurring revenue

For the first year and a half of my adventure into freelancing, I was primarily a web designer. If someone needed a website, I would gladly design it for them. Sometimes I helped with some basic marke... > ever-fund-business-credit-card

Should you ever fund your business with a credit card?

We were at the closing table, finalizing our first home purchase, when we found out. We were doing a complete gut renovation on this house, which means we couldn’t live in it for at least 6 months. ... > should-i-list-my-prices-on-my-website

Should you list your prices on your website? (Here’s what I do)

It’s a conundrum many of us creative entrepreneurs face: do I list pricing (or typical pricing) on my website or not? Some entrepreneurs swear by it; others refuse…and both make valid argu... > fonts-convert-best-web-design-using

Which fonts convert best in web design & are you using them?

You know what makes up a good website: great color scheme, intuitive navigation, and awesome calls-to-action (among many other things). Since all of these elements are calculated to stand out, it make... > my-secret-steady-money-freelance-designer

My secret to making steady money as a freelance designer

We share tips for making money as a freelancer here at Millo all the time. They include: upselling your design projects, generating passive income, specializing in a particular discipline or skill, a... > 3-critical-business-tips-i-would-share-with-7-years-ago-me-if-i-had-a-time-machine

3 Critical business tips I would share with ‘7-years-ago’ me if I had a time machine

Between freelancing and running Millo, I’ve been “in business” for over seven years now. I know that’s not much for some people, but for me, I feel pretty blessed to have rea... > long-test-marketing-idea-giving

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�... > 12-sure-fire-ways-to-be-happier-as-a-freelance-designer

12 Sure-fire ways to be happier as a freelance designer

I consider myself an incredibly fortunate person. Through a combination of hard work and luck, I am a freelance designer – my dream job. For all of its ups and downs, complications and stressful mom... > turn-day-to-day-struggle-into-creative-business-you-love

How to turn your day-to-day struggle into a creative business you love

If you’re anything like I was just a few years ago, you’re probably working your tush off, spinning your wheels like a hamster on steroids and feeling like it’s just not paying off. Like your ba... > how-to-handle-tough-client-conversations-and-save-the-relationship

How to handle tough client conversations and save the relationship

Being a solopreneur is a lot of fun. You almost always get to make your own schedule, wear whatever you want, reject projects that aren’t a good fit, not drive during rush hour…it’s ...