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How to Make Money Writing and Quit Your Day Job in 2024

Do you want to learn how to make money writing? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At, we specialize in teaching freelancers how to start their own writing businesses, land the best jobs... > what-kind-of-freelance-work-can-i-do

31 Kinds of Freelance Work You Can Do in 2024

Many freelancers are living the dream. They work when they want, where they want, and with who they want. Maybe you’ve dreamed of joining the millions of other freelancers who have taken control... > be-your-own-boss

How to Be Your Own Boss

Almost everyone has considered leaving their day job at one time or another. Working seemingly endless hours for someone else, knowing that you could do things better and faster on your own is incredi... > 9-freelance-copywriting-resources-you-cant-work-without

9+ Freelance Copywriting Resources You Can’t Work Without

With all its benefits, it’s no surprise that working as a freelance copywriter is becoming an increasingly sought-after career path for many up-and-coming professionals. Getting free rein over t... > how-to-legally-start-a-freelance-business

How To Legally Start A Freelance Business In 9 Steps

Being a freelancer can be a liberating experience. It gives you the potential to work anywhere in the world, from your couch or a park bench. However, if you don’t want any trouble from the IRS, you... > freelance-copywriter

How to Become a Freelance Copywriter

Becoming a freelance copywriter seems like an attractive opportunity, especially in an age of great uncertainty. With viruses, redundancies, and financial collapses, more people are turning towards th... > how-to-become-a-freelance-translator

How to Become a Freelance Translator & Work From Home

Are you wondering how to become a freelance translator? Translating is a job that’s very easy to undertake as a freelance career – provided you can speak two or more languages, of course. The onli... > freelance-writer-resume

Your Guide to Creating a Stellar Freelance Writer Resume

Whether you are a freelancer who is trying to attract new clients or you want to have your resume stand out on search pages, you will need to have the best freelance writer resume possible to highligh... > freelance-designing-worth-it

Is Freelancing Worth it in 2024? The Answer is Yes: Here’s Why

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the ways that we live and work, people are increasingly looking for new ways to make a living. Perhaps you’ve been laid off, furloughed, or had your hour... > how-to-become-a-freelancer

How to Become a Freelancer in 8 Steps (2023 Version)

Are you considering joining the ranks of over 56 million people in the United States who have made the leap to working for themselves as freelancers? Are you wondering how to become a freelancer? Ther...