Page 58 of 615 results for how to get clients > long-test-marketing-idea-giving

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�... > 12-sure-fire-ways-to-be-happier-as-a-freelance-designer

12 Sure-fire ways to be happier as a freelance designer

I consider myself an incredibly fortunate person. Through a combination of hard work and luck, I am a freelance designer – my dream job. For all of its ups and downs, complications and stressful mom... > turn-day-to-day-struggle-into-creative-business-you-love

How to turn your day-to-day struggle into a creative business you love

If you’re anything like I was just a few years ago, you’re probably working your tush off, spinning your wheels like a hamster on steroids and feeling like it’s just not paying off. Like your ba... > how-to-handle-tough-client-conversations-and-save-the-relationship

How to handle tough client conversations and save the relationship

Being a solopreneur is a lot of fun. You almost always get to make your own schedule, wear whatever you want, reject projects that aren’t a good fit, not drive during rush hour…it’s ... > how-to-find-hire-and-work-with-an-accountant

How to find, hire, and work with a great accountant

It can be expensive to work with an accountant. Do you really need one? And what, beyond filing your tax return, should you use them for? If you’re serious about growing your business, the right acc... > 14-easy-ways-protect-website-hackers

14 Easy ways to protect your website from hackers

In 2014, more than 100,000 WordPress sites were targeted in a DDOS attack. This means that these computers were purposefully infected with a Trojan virus, and then used to target an unsuspecting third... > avoid-distractions-working-home

How to avoid distractions when working from home

Working from home has many perks: more time and money otherwise spent on commuting, flexible schedule, and an opportunity to combine work and family life. All this comes at a price – some people fin... > productive-freelancers-6-habits

6 Habits of Super Productive Freelancers

There are many benefits to freelancing, including the ability to set your own hours and rid yourself of a long, boring, and expensive commute. (Forgot how awesome freelancing is? Read this.) However, ... > 8-quick-tips-to-improve-client-relationships-overnight

8 Quick tips to improve client relationships overnight

Y’know that guy – one of your peers who always seems to get the very best clients? He who: Never has a problem with late payments. Doesn’t have to haggle pricing on rush projects. Ma... > built-freelance-career-traveling-world

How I built a freelance career while traveling the world

For my entire life, I dreamed of travel. I dreamed of visiting far off lands, experiencing new cultures and doing something unconventional with my life. Yet I always thought that travel would come som...