Small business blogs have been a pillar in my entrepreneurial journey.
See, I have a confession: I’m not a big reader.
My wife can sit down and read a good book for hours on end. Me? I’m distracted and fidgeting after about 20 minutes—even with a great book.

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That’s why small business blogs have been so helpful to me.
Sure, I’ve read the classic books (think The 4-Hour Work Week, Rich Dad Poor Dad, $100 Startup or these freelancing books) but the idea of reading entire books just to get a few nuggets is really hard for me.
So I read small business blogs instead.
Because, most times, the best nuggets of advice are right upfront in a blog post—not buried behind chapters and chapters of introduction and philosophy because the publisher said the book had to have at least 200 pages.
Reading blogs just works better for me.
And I’ve got a mile-long list of small business blogs I’ve read over the years.
But time after time, there are some blogs that just stand out from the rest.
So today, I’m going to share 21 insanely helpful small business blogs to help your business grow. Let’s dive in:
This small business blog is one of my personal favorites simply because of the personality of the blog owner, Matt.
At MoneyLab, Matt performs experiments on his own small online businesses and then reports back on those experiments through extremely thorough and in-depth blog posts or YouTube videos.
Matt’s energy and excitement for business are contagious and his ability to teach what works and what doesn’t in an easy-to-understand way make MoneyLab one small business blog I check back with all the time.
Marie Forleo Blog
Running a small business isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s almost never easy. And sometimes what you need from a small business blog is pure inspiration to keep going.
That’s exactly what you’ll get from Marie Forleo’s blog.
Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, Marie Forleo is the founder of the famous “B-School” which helps students grow their business. She is best known for her work as a life coach and has also authored the book “Everything is Figureoutable,” which became a New York Times bestseller.
Smart Passive Income Blog
While the name of the blog focuses on passive income, Pat Flynn’s SPI (Smart Passive Income) blog is about small business.
I started following Pat nearly a decade ago when he would share his now-famous income reports from his own small business.
Not only is Pat an inspiration, but he also gets highly tactical with everything your small business will need—particularly if your business is online. His small business blog and matching podcasts talk about everything from marketing and sales to working with a team, to small business trends, and lots more.
Just in case you haven’t noticed yet (surprise!) Millo is the blog you’re reading right now. Here at Millo, we help people start their small business journey.
We talk about side jobs, growing an agency, freelancing and ton more to help you build a business that makes you happy and frees you up to live the life you’ve always wanted to.
Social Triggers
Years ago, I was checking my twitter feed when one of the small business experts I followed shared a whiteboard video of a guy with a heavy New York accent sharing marketing advice.
That guy was Derek Halpern. And Derek’s blog is called Social Triggers.
Now, years later, Derek’s blog has taken off. He teaches small business owners how to grow their businesses using the latest in psychology research. It’s really fascinating stuff.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich Blog
Ramit Sethi is the finance and business expert behind the brand “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.” Ramit’s book by the same name is a bestseller and will completely reshape how you think about money.
On Ramit’s small business blog, IWT, he and fellow experts share what it takes to grow your brand and business.
He focuses on developing a “rich” life which doesn’t always mean you’re going to be a gazillionaire, but means you build the type of small business that supports your life’s goals.
It’s a refreshing take on small business that’s definitely worth a look.
Being Boss Club Blog
Being Boss Club is a membership community for creative entrepreneurs and their small business blog is a great resource for anyone looking to be their own boss.
Their blog, which is written by founder Joanna Penn and other experts, is inspirational and helpful for small business owners of all kinds.
Chris Guillebeau’s Blog
One of my favorite business books of all time is The $100 Startup, written by Chris Guillebeau.
And on Chris’s blog, The Art of Non-Conformity, you can learn all about starting and growing a small business or side-hustle in less conventional ways.
Chris is one of the most enlightened people I’ve met when it comes to work, productivity, money, and business. Definitely check out his blog.
Small Biz Trends
While a bit more old-school in its style, the Small Business Trends blog can be extremely helpful and informative as you grow your small business.
They talk about everything from unusual small business ideas (cricket farm, anyone?) to more traditional topics like starting a business or managing small business taxes.
Of all the small business blogs listed here, this one definitely has one of the most diverse collections of articles. Which can be helpful but also make it difficult to find what you’re looking for sometimes.
Zen Business Blog
Zen Business recently acquired a few other small business blogs who I used to follow religiously which means now, the Zen Business Blog is a must-read on my list.
While they may focus on content for small business owners who are a little more established, they also have content for entrepreneurs at almost any level.
As you might have guessed from its name, the Noobpreneur blog is a great resource for anyone looking to get started with entrepreneurship or small business.
Listed by Forbes as one of the top 100 small business blogs in the world, Noobpreneur started out as a personal business blog but has gradually evolved into a multi-authored blog with opinions and advice from many small business experts.
Jason Fried’s Blog (founder of Basecamp)
It does’t really have a name, I guess, but the small business blog where Jason Fried (founder of Basecamp) shares his small business insights is one of the best around.
Jason and his team have a unique way of looking at business which is evidenced by two of my favorite business books, Rework and It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work.
And these unique small business perspectives are brought to both Jason’s personal blog and the official Basecamp blog where Jason and others contribute regularly.
If you really like learning from big-name entrepreneurs as you grow your small business then Foundr is a great option for you.
Their small business blog focuses on taking lessons learned from high-value founders like Mark Cuban and distilling applicable teachings for the rest of us.
Listen Money Matters Blog
I discovered Listen Money Matters through their podcast years ago. And while LMM is technically a personal finance blog, and not necessarily a small business blog, I include it on this list because I have learned a ton about small business from them.
That’s because they not only talk about investing and 401k accounts, but they also focus on how to make more money through side-hustles or other non-traditional income streams.
Youpreneur Blog
If you’re really interested in growing a small business that focuses on your personal brand, then Chris Ducker is your man. Chris’s company and brand “Youpreneur” will teach you how to start and grow a business based on your own core competencies.
And the Youpreneur blog is no different. They talk about building a team, future-proofing your small business, marketing, and a lot more of what you’ll need to grow your small business.
Small Business Bonfire
What I really like about Small Business Bonfire is how approachable all the content is. It’s not overly complicated and it’s not “out of my league” as a small business owner.
Instead, they focus on a lot of entry-level topics such as how to pick the right CRM, marketing strategies, and other fairly simple, but drastically important topics for small business owners.
Kabbage Small Business Blog
To learn all about small business loans, finances, credit cards, and more, look no further than the small business blog by Kabbage.
Kabbage provides funding directly to small businesses so the topics usually covered on their blog are definitely more money-focused.
SmallBizLady’s Blog
I’m not 100% sure what to call this next small business blog. That’s because the URL is “Succeed As Your Own Boss .com” (spaces added for legibility), but the header on the blog says “Ending Small Business Failure”…
Whatever it’s called, it’s a good one. A bit old-school in style but packed with loads of helpful articles about thriving as a small business owner.
The blog, ran primarily by Melinda F. Emerson, also known as “SmallBizLady” an “internationally renowned keynote speaker on small business development, social selling, and online marketing strategy.”
Fit Small Business
Have you ever heard of the Fit Small Business blog? I love the approach they take to their blog—that is: they put a search bar front-and-center and encourage you to search for answers to your small business problems instead of just reading whatever they’ve decided to publish recently.
It really is more of a repository of helpful small business articles than a log of random learnings from small business owners.
All Business
Another small business blog that has been around for…ev…er is All Business. I remember first reading this blog when I started out as an entrepreneur over 12 years ago.
But there’s a reason some of these blogs have stuck around for so long… they’re really good.
All Business publishes regular articles about nearly any business topic. From AI to investors and marketing to franchising. There’s probably nothing they haven’t covered.
Startup Nation
Even if you wouldn’t classify your company as a “startup,” the Startup Nation small business blog can still help you get ahead.
That’s because they don’t just blog about what it takes to run a startup in Silicon Valley—instead, they publish content about businesses of all kinds, from side-hustles to tech giants.
So many more…
Honestly, this is just scratching the surface on the number of high-quality small business blogs out there for you to read.
My suggestion? Start with a few that stand out from this list and see what you like.
Add them to an RSS reader (yes, people still use those) or subscribe to their email newsletters. Over time, you’ll know which blogs you like most and which you can leave behind.
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