71 results found for Cash Flow

millo.co > independent-contractor-jobs

12 Independent Contractor Jobs Sites for Extra Cash in 2024

Many people dream of a job they will love, one that offers both creative and professional freedom. Exploring independent contractor jobs can answer this desire. This path opens more opportunities and ...

millo.co > 9-ways-designers-can-generate-passive-income

9 Passive Income Ideas for Designers Who Need More Cash in 2024

Passive income, for designers who are willing to put in the work, can make business extremely exciting. Imagine not having to figure out how to get graphic design clients over and over again every mon...

millo.co > recurring-revenue

10 Recurring Revenue Business Ideas to Start Cashing In on Today

As a business owner, it’s important to have recurring revenue, and more than one stream of income. You shouldn’t just rely on one-off sales if you want to grow your business. This is unsustainable...

millo.co > beyond-the-pitch-executing-a-winning-post-funding-game-plan

Beyond the Pitch: Executing a Winning Post-Funding Game Plan

If you’ve decided to pursue funding for your growing business, then you know getting that first big investment is thrilling – it validates all your hard work so far. But the real challenge...

millo.co > effective-tips-for-earning-money-on-amazon

9 Effective Tips to Earn Money on Amazon (2024)

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last 20 years, you’ll know Amazon as one of the largest companies by revenue, bringing in a staggering $514 billion in 2022. If you have been living under ...

millo.co > 8-money-terms-rich-freelancers-understand-do-you

8 Freelance Money Terms You Must Understand to Get Rich

When it comes to business, let’s face it: most of us freelancers are kindof making it up as we go. If we went to college or university, it wasn’t to get a business degree, it was in design...

millo.co > how-these-16-pro-freelancers-keep-their-pipeline-filled

How These 16 Pro Freelancers Keep Their Pipeline Filled

For anyone who depends on clients to keep their business going, the feast-famine struggle is all too real. This classic (almost cliché) problem facing freelancers from all industries can cause major ...

millo.co > 97-habits-of-insanely-profitable-freelancers

97 Habits of insanely profitable freelancers

If you want to be insanely profitable doing what you love then you need to find a happy balance between art and commerce. Basically, you need a head for business and a mind for getting the work done. ...

millo.co > side-jobs-to-make-extra-money

Side Jobs To Make Extra Money

Are you looking for ways to make some extra cash? There are many side jobs that you can start today and begin earning money right away, and more are popping up as time goes on. The truth is there are ...

millo.co > quickbooks-alternative

8 Best Quickbooks Alternatives in July 2024

I’ve seen QuickBooks dominate small business accounting for years, but it’s not the only game in town. Many entrepreneurs are looking for simpler, cheaper options that fit their needs bett...