Knowing where to find high-quality freelance web developer jobs is critical to keeping your freelance dev business thriving.
But with so many choices on where to actually find freelance web developer jobs, it’s hard to know which sites are worth spending your time and which ones are a total scam.
If you’re not careful, you might even find yourself wasting tons of time trying to find new web clients on all the wrong sites—leaving you to assume becoming a freelance web developer just “isn’t for you.”

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But I’m here to tell you that there are loads of high-quality freelance web developer jobs out there just waiting for you to find them.
Yes, there are lots of low-paying, low-quality dev jobs. But there are also a number of sites that really focus on posting only the best freelance web developer jobs the web has to offer.
Today, I’ll share with you some of my top picks.
Here are 14 freelance web developer jobs sites worth checking out for new clients:
1. SitePoint Jobs
One of the best resources for finding fresh, high-quality freelance web developer jobs is SitePoint Jobs.
Founded back in 1999, SitePoint is “a hub for web developers to share their passion for building incredible Internet things.”
In addition to the educational material they sell and the community they’ve built, SitePoint has now added a job list to their site, complete with some really great freelance web dev jobs. If you are an advanced web specialist and have microservices use cases in your portfolio, you should send your resume to this site.
2. SolidGigs
One of the most time-consuming tasks a freelance web developer faces is hunting down new freelance web developer jobs on a regular basis.
If you find yourself spending a lot of time each week hunting down the best dev jobs, then you should take a look at SolidGigs.
It’s not a marketplace or a platform for communicating with clients. Instead, it’s a hand-picked aggregated list of the best freelance jobs posted on dozens of sites around the web, updated every weekday.
Not only that, but they also have courses, scripts, ebooks, and other training to help you pitch and win new clients more frequently.
3. Toptal
If you’re concerned about getting only high-quality, high-paying clients then you may want to apply to see freelance web developer jobs on TopTal.
I say “apply” because TopTal, as a favor to its clients, only accepts the top 1-2% of freelancers who apply to their platform. This allows them to target higher-paying clients.
While it’s a bit harder to get in, it may be worth it, leading to more lucrative freelance web developer jobs than you might find elsewhere.
4. FlexJobs
If you’re especially interested in finding freelance web developer jobs that fit your lifestyle, then FlexJobs may be just what you need.
Not only can you sort jobs by specific dev languages using the search functions on the site, you can also filter based on how remote (or not) the jobs are, how many hours they require each week, and so on.
5. Stack Overflow Jobs
If you’ve been a freelance web developer for long, you’ve probably spent a fair amount of time on Stack Overflow.
You might know it as a helpful community that can help you solve the most obscure coding problems, but did you also know they have a great job board for developers?
It’s called, simply, Stack Overflow Jobs, and it features web dev jobs in just about any specialty you can ask for. You’ll have no problem finding a development job as a freelancer on this job board.
6. Authentic Jobs
Another nice job board for finding freelance web developer jobs is Authentic Jobs. Their clean interface and simple design help you filter, sort, and find dev jobs quickly.
Plus, they’re used by some pretty big-name silicon valley companies (think Apple and Facebook) so if you find that appealing, there’s a definite upside there.
7. Reactiflux Jobs
Reactiflux is a thriving community of 80,000+ React developers where you can learn from top web developers and ask questions to improve as a dev.
In addition, they have an extensive job board where you can explore freelance web developer jobs from countries around the world. You can also sort by companies that assist with work visas (a plus for international web developers) and other unique criteria.
8. CodePen Jobs
If you work with a lot of front-end code, you may have used or at least heard of CodePen for displaying and testing user-facing code.
In addition to providing a fantastic tool for front-end web developers, CodePen also offers a nice job board featuring freelance web developer jobs. Unfortunately, the jobs aren’t easy to filter like some of the options mentioned previously, so be aware of that before clicking over.
9. GitHub Jobs
As a web developer, you might also be familiar with GitHub—a resource for software development version control using Git.
While GitHub’s primary purpose is to help manage your ever-changing code, it also has a humble job board where you might just find one of your next freelance web developer jobs.
10. Hubstaff Talent
As a company that specializes primarily in employee/freelancer monitoring, Hubstaff also offers a high-quality job board for web developers and others.
It’s called HubStaff talent and lets freelance web developers (and others) filter available jobs by pay rate, skillset, and other criteria. While the selection is not as broad as some other services on this list, it’s a nice additional site to have in your back pocket when looking for web developer jobs on a regular basis.
11. Vue Jobs
While it’s definitely more niched and specialized, Vue Jobs merits a spot on this list strictly for the quality of freelance web developer jobs it provides.
You might be familiar with Vue.js, the open-source javascript framework on which many single-page applications and user interfaces are built. If you’re already proficient in this framework—or have interest in becoming such—the Vue Jobs would be a great place to check regularly for web dev jobs.
12. We Work Meteor
Web developers around the world have come to embrace and enjoy the Meteor javascript framework that allows them to build quick prototypes for cross-platform functionality.
As with the previous site, to find freelance web developer jobs on We Work Meteor, you have to—naturally—have the ability to work within the Meteor framework.
Still, it’s a nice job list worthy of bookmarking and checking back with regularly.
13. Vollna
Are you tired of constantly checking different freelancing websites to search for jobs? Do you want to maximize your job searching and get more opportunities? Then, look no further. Vollna crawls the best websites 24/7 to get the best job listings specifically tailored to your freelance business.
With Vollna, you get all the latest freelancing jobs posted on freelance platforms such as UpWork, Freelancer, Peopleperhour, etc straight to your inbox or your mobile phone.
14. FreelancerMap
Are you interested in getting new dev clients without paying commissions for every project?
As users of FreelancerMap, freelancers get 100% of what they agreed on with their clients. The platform includes on-site and remote projects, and has over 250.000+ users worldwide. You can create a free profile and job alerts to get notified about projects that match your skill set and interests the best.
Premium features such as improved profile, visual portfolio, better rankings, unlimited applications, job alerts and profile statistics are also available for an affordable monthly fee.
Pitching (and Winning) Freelance Web Developer Jobs
Of course, knowing where to find freelance web dev jobs is just the beginning if you want to build your freelance web development business.
From there, you have to successfully identify the best potential clients and projects, pitch them your services, win the account, deliver a stellar product, invoice, get paid, and manage all the small details in between.
It’s no small task.
But to help you get off on the right foot, I’d like to suggest a few critical tips for pitching and winning freelance web developer jobs once you’ve found them using the list above.
Here are a few tips for winning freelance web developer jobs:
1. Focus only on the web dev jobs you actually want
It can be tempting to apply for or pitch to clients with freelance web developer jobs of all kinds just to get some business in the door.
This is particularly true if you’re a new freelance web developer and are in desperate need of new freelance clients.
Instead of applying widely to any dev jobs you see, focus instead on the ones you’re especially qualified for and interested in.
Not only will the hard work of pitching, applying, and selling yourself come much more easily (because you’ll be excited about getting the dev client) but you’ll also have a better close rate (success rate) because you’ll be more qualified.
This in turn, keeps you from burning out and helps you remain excited about pursuing more freelance web developer jobs.
2. Don’t just apply; pitch & sell
May freelance web developer jobs you’ll find on these job sites will request that you fill out an application form.
While that’s all fine—and probably worth your time—you’ll find your efforts are far more fruitful if you go above and beyond the typical application.
In many cases, it’s possible hundreds of freelance web developers are applying to the same job through the same application and therefore, none of them are standing out to the potential client.
However, if you make the effort to track down the email address or phone number of the prospect and make genuine human contact, your chances of landing the freelance web developer jobs you want go up dramatically.
If you’re not sure how to pitch yourself, there are lots of freelancing courses you can take to level up your pitching and selling skills.
3. Follow up (a lot)
What many freelancers don’t realize is that the majority of deals you’ll close with clients do not happen after you make first contact.
Most deals happen only after friendly and persistent follow-up.
Why is this? Because, even though they are hiring for a job, many clients are terribly busy. In fact, that’s most likely the reason they’re posting freelance web developer jobs in the first place—they simply don’t have any more hours in the day to tackle certain problems.
For every application, you fill out or every first email or phone call you to make, set a time in your calendar a few days (or a week) later to follow up in a natural and friendly way with that prospect.
4. Never stop finding new dev jobs
After you find a bit of success and have some nice freelance jobs moving along, it can be a real temptation to stop looking for new jobs.
Even if it’s not a conscious effort, sometimes the sheer workload from the newly closed dev jobs on your plate can take up so much time you forget to keep looking.
Before you know it, you’ve fallen prey to the infamous “feast or famine cycle” that haunts so many freelancers.
But the smart freelancer knows you should never stop prospecting. Building systems (it can be as simple as a calendar reminder) into your business that will help you keep on track and never stop looking for freelance web developer jobs.
Building a business on freelance web developer jobs
Using some of the sites I’ve mentioned above and harnessing the tips I’ve shared below them, you should have no problem finding high-quality web developer jobs on a regular basis.
Remember: find a few sites that resonate with you, check back regularly, pitch well, never stop looking, and you’ll do just fine.
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