Freelance Glossary > D > Deadline


A deadline is a specific date or time by which a task or project must be completed. In freelance work, deadlines are critical, as they determine when the work is due and are a key factor in managing the project’s progress.

To a freelancer, a deadline should be taken seriously and seen as a commitment to delivering the project on time. Meeting deadlines is crucial to maintaining a positive relationship with clients and building a strong reputation in the freelance industry.

Freelancers should establish clear deadlines with their clients and ensure that they have a realistic timeline for completing the work. This may involve negotiating the deadline with the client if the original timeline is not feasible or if unforeseen circumstances arise that could impact the project’s progress.

To ensure that they meet their deadlines, freelancers may need to manage their time carefully and prioritize their workload. They should also communicate regularly with their clients and provide updates on the project’s progress to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any issues are addressed promptly.

See also: Feast-Famine Cycle, EOW, Burnout, Project Timeline

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