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How to List Freelance Work on LinkedIn the Right Way

Every freelancer knows how hard it is to find a job these days. It doesn’t matter if you have just started freelancing or if you are a seasoned vet, finding that new gig is never easy. While som... > what-kind-of-freelance-work-can-i-do

31 Kinds of Freelance Work You Can Do in 2024

Many freelancers are living the dream. They work when they want, where they want, and with who they want. Maybe you’ve dreamed of joining the millions of other freelancers who have taken control... > how-to-answer-a-prospects-tricky-billing-question

How I answered when my client asked “will you lower your rates for us over time?”

Plenty of stand-up comedians have had fun skewering the silliness of the “What’s your greatest weakness?” question that job interviewers often ask. The two best comedic answers I’ve ever heard... > 9-ways-designers-can-generate-passive-income

9 Passive Income Ideas for Designers Who Need More Cash in 2024

Passive income, for designers who are willing to put in the work, can make business extremely exciting. Imagine not having to figure out how to get graphic design clients over and over again every mon... > how-to-take-your-business-to-the-next-level-with-freelance-automation

How to Take Your Business to the Next Level with Freelance Automation

Working as a freelancer is a dream for many — but it can quickly become overwhelming as you juggle dozens of clients and deadlines while trying to keep up with business tasks like billing, taxes, ma... > questions-to-ask-when-creating-a-website

40 Questions to Ask When Creating a Website for A Smooth Onboarding Process

It’s pretty tough to have a business without a website. Almost anyone can put up a simple, pre-built landing page, but building a great website takes a lot of skill and finesse. That’s where you c... > brand-pitch-email-template

This Brand Pitch Email Template Will Win You More Deals in 2024

As influencer marketing becomes more popular, the competition among influencers also grows. PR agencies receive tons of emails from influencers and bloggers who are ready to use any collaboration oppo... > freelance-writer-website

The Importance of Having a Freelance Writer Website + 5 Great Examples

As a freelancer, you may have wondered if you should have your own freelance writer website—or if you need one to begin with. We’re here to tell you that, yes, it’s absolutely recommended that y... > how-to-grow-your-freelance-business-with-influencer-marketing

How to Grow Your Freelance Business With Influencer Marketing

The term “influencer” has become very popular in the last few years. In a matter of years, it has evolved from a hobby and internet trend, to be considered a highly-rewarding career path. If you h... > a-quick-guide-into-freelancing-pros-cons-how-to-get-work

A Quick Guide into Freelancing: Pros, Cons + How to Get Work

As if COVID-19 and millions of lives this pandemic consumed weren’t enough, we are staring at another formidable challenge – loss of jobs and economic recession. Anybody who stays updated on r...