Page 8 of 103 results for Opportunity Cost > freelance-business-cards

14 Real Freelance Business Cards to Inspire You (and How to Make Your Own)

Freelance business cards can be just as important in the business world as for a typical 9-5 desk-job employee. Especially since the business world continues to accept and encourage the rise of freela... > how-to-make-an-extra-1000-a-month

24 Surefire Ways to Make An Extra $1000 a Month

A thousand dollars might not seem like much, but if you’re still studying or in between jobs, it can go a long way. The good news is we will show you how to make an extra $1000 a month. You just nee... > 36-easy-to-use-time-tracking-tools-for-freelancers

15 Freelance Time-Tracking Apps Pro Freelancers Use in 2024

There’s no shortage of freelance time tracking apps on the market today, and for good reason: time is money. And if you’re not tracking your time as a freelancer you’re probably leaving some of ... > thank-you-for-your-business

10 Best Ways to Say “Thank You For Your Business”

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. They are your most vital asset and the reason you exist. So how do you say “thank you for your business” in a meaningful way? In this art... > how-to-write-a-proposal

How to Write a Proposal in 10 Quick (& Easy) Steps

Knowing how to write a proposal may seem intimidating. You’re asking someone who doesn’t know you personally to choose you or your business. By definition, submitting a proposal can feel like a ga... > linkedin-profinder

The LinkedIn ProFinder Guide to Get More Clients

LinkedIn ProFinder makes finding good matches between freelancers and clients easier than ever before. In this article, let’s look at how both the employer and the freelancer can use the platform to... > virtual-assistant-job-description

Virtual Assistant Job Description: The Ins and Outs of Becoming a VA

57.3 million people within the United States are currently working as freelancers. They represent close to $1.4 trillion of the annual US economy contribution. Have you been feeling the desire to wor... > project-management-software

14 Top Project Management Software Choices Made to Save You Time

Leading a successful project can sometimes seem like a tough juggling act – one where the balls keep piling on. There are so many factors that you need to account for. First, you have to work closel... > 3-steps-used-book-7000-pm-retainer-agreements

3 Steps I used to book $7,000/month in retainer clients

As a freelancer, it absolutely sucks to start out booking work for each month at $0.00. Because starting over from nothing means that every single month—while you’re also trying to juggle client w... > fiverr-reviews

Fiverr Reviews You Should Read Before Joining Fiverr as a Freelancer

One of the biggest trends in the modern business world is freelancing. Over 36% of the workforce in the US alone are freelancers, while the figure across the world is even higher than that. The best w...