Freelance Glossary > B > Billable Hours

Billable Hours

Billable hours in freelancing refer to the amount of time that a freelancer spends working on a project or task that can be charged to the client. In other words, it is the time that a freelancer spends on activities that directly contribute to the completion of a project or service for the client.

For example, if a freelancer is hired to write an article for a client, the time they spend researching, writing, and revising the article would be considered billable hours, as these activities directly contribute to the completion of the project. On the other hand, time spent on administrative tasks, such as responding to emails or scheduling meetings, would typically not be considered billable hours, as they do not directly contribute to the completion of the project.

Freelancers often track their billable hours using time tracking tools to ensure that they are accurately billing clients for their work. Billing by the hour is a common practice in many freelance industries, and it can be an effective way for freelancers to ensure that they are paid fairly for their time and expertise.

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See also: Non-Billable Hours, Breakeven

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