Freelance Glossary > K > Kill Fee

Kill Fee

A kill fee is a fee paid to a freelancer if a project or assignment is terminated before completion, typically due to circumstances beyond the freelancer’s control. The purpose of a kill fee is to compensate the freelancer for the work they have already completed and to protect them from losing out on potential income.

Kill fees are typically specified in a contract or agreement between the freelancer and the client. The amount of the kill fee can vary depending on the nature of the project and the stage of completion at which it is terminated. For example, a client may agree to pay a 50% kill fee if a project is terminated after the initial research phase, but before any actual work has been completed.

Freelancers should be aware of kill fees because they can provide an important source of income protection and ensure that they are compensated for their time and effort, even if a project is cancelled or terminated unexpectedly. Freelancers should negotiate kill fee terms and ensure they are included in their contracts or agreements with clients, to protect themselves from potential financial losses.

It’s important to note that kill fees are not always standard practice and may not be offered by all clients or in all industries. Therefore, freelancers should communicate with their clients about their expectations and negotiate the terms of the agreement before beginning work on a project.

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