Freelance Glossary > P > Price Increase Letter

Price Increase Letter

A price increase letter is a written communication that a freelancer sends to a client to notify them of an upcoming price increase for their services. The letter typically explains the reasons for the increase, such as increased costs or changes in the freelancer’s business or services, and outlines the new pricing structure and effective date of the increase.

The purpose of a price increase letter is to provide transparency and clarity to the client about the freelancer’s pricing policies and to give the client an opportunity to adjust their budget or consider other options if necessary.

When drafting a price increase letter, it is important for the freelancer to be clear, concise, and professional in their communication. They should also be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that the client may have and to negotiate if necessary to find a mutually acceptable solution.

A price increase letter is an important tool for freelancers to maintain a fair and sustainable pricing structure for their services and to communicate changes in pricing to their clients in a transparent and professional manner.

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