Freelance Glossary > T > Target Audience

Target Audience

A client’s target audience refers to the group of people that the client is trying to reach or communicate with through their products, services, or communications. The target audience is defined by factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and needs, and is the group that the client wants to engage, inform, or persuade through their work.

For a freelancer, understanding the client’s target audience is a crucial part of delivering work that meets the client’s goals and objectives. The target audience will often influence the tone, style, and content of the work, and may also determine the best channels and platforms to reach them.

For example, if the client’s target audience is young tech-savvy consumers, the freelancer might create content that is written in a conversational tone and that makes use of technology and social media to engage with the audience. On the other hand, if the target audience is senior citizens, the content might need to be written in a more straightforward and accessible manner, using clear and simple language.

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Ultimately, understanding the client’s target audience is an important part of delivering work that meets the client’s needs and expectations, and that resonates with their intended audience.

See also: Lead Magnet, Referral Partner, Elevator Pitch, Inbound Marketing

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