Page 18 of 178 results for Deadline > web-design-client-doesnt-pay

What I do when a web design client doesn’t pay me

When it comes to getting paid, we run a pretty tight ship here at Web123, but it wasn’t always beer and skittles. A few years ago our Debtors used to always be sitting at $120,000+ outstanding. It f... > what-freelancing-is-not

What freelancing is not.

There are a lot of stigmas about what freelancing is like. Blogs like this one tell you about how to start a freelance business, how to find more freelance clients, and how to get paid more as a freel... > how-to-deal-with-high-maintenence-clients-and-not-ruin-the-relationship

How to deal with high-maintenance clients (and not ruin the relationship!)

Have you ever had one of those clingy clients that calls daily? Twice daily? Sunday afternoon? Do you save their number in your phone just so you can press “ignore” when you see them calling (for ... > what-to-do-when-you-cant-finish-a-project-on-time

What to do when you can’t finish a project on time

Freelancers and entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature. If we weren’t, we’d do the bare minimum in life to get by. We wouldn’t be running our own businesses. We’d be working at... > how-to-quote-a-design-project

How to quote a design project – and win the account

Quoting a project isn’t easy – and knowing how to quote a design project well is even tougher. Part estimation, part research, and part historical evidence, a good design quote creates a fair... > 19-questions-to-ask-before-creating-a-website

19 Questions to Ask Before Creating a Website

Have you ever come to a point in a website design where you’re lost? You’re staring at a blank Photoshop document and you have no idea how to fill the space. You don’t know what the client wants... > 10-tips-to-make-your-design-files-print-ready

10 Tips to Make Your Design Files Print-Ready

All print designers are familiar with deadlines and the havoc they can often wreak on your life! It is incredibly frustrating to spend hours and hours designing your work in Photoshop, only to send it... > set-milestones-and-eliminate-stress-in-the-design-process

Set milestones and eliminate stress in the design process

When I first started working for myself, one of the hardest things for me to do was finish a design project in the amount of time that I had anticipated. Projects that I hoped to finish in a week, too...