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Freelance data scientist: how to become one and why you should consider it

The term “data scientist” has recently been coined and is considered a new breed of analytical expert. At its simplest, a data scientist understands how to turn data into useful information. More ... > client-onboarding

Client onboarding guide for building a strong relationship from the get-go

They said ‘yes’! Landing a new client is easily one of the most exciting moments in a freelancer’s workflow. So good, in fact, that you may be tempted to channel all your enthusiasm into getting... > should-i-quit-my-job

Should I quit my job? 21 Signs that you need to make a change

There has come a point in everyone’s life where we think, “should I quit my job?” We may all question quitting our jobs, but how do we know if it’s really the right thing to do? Let’s ta... > i-hate-my-job

If I hate my job, what should I do next? The answers you’ve been looking for

If you find yourself saying “I hate my job” more often than you change your clothes, it might be time for a change. Keep in mind that there is no perfect job. As we go through life, diffic... > important-financial-skills-every-entrepreneur-possess

The most important financial skills every entrepreneur should possess

Starting your own business can be a real adventure, but if you want to be successful you’ll need more than passion. You will also need to know how to manage the money your company spends and earns s... > how-to-get-clients-to-pay-tactics-for-invoicing-success

How to get clients to pay: Tactics for invoicing success

One of my earliest clients was a fashion design company in Los Angeles who asked me to create a print ad for use in one of the larger industry trade magazines. Excited to be creating a design with suc... > set-expectations-get-go-client-welcome-packet

Set expectations from the get-go with a Client Welcome Packet

Ever notice how Amazon packages routinely come earlier than expected? They’ll tell you the package will arrive on or by the 27th, and when the package shows up on the 23rd, you are pleasantly su... > client-angry-disrespectful-person-phone

Do this when a client is angry & disrespectful to you in person or on the phone

A terrible jittery feeling spread through my stomach. The lump in my throat hardened and my head began to spin. ‘How did I find myself in this situation?’ I asked myself, heart sinking. I was on t... > college-students-guide-starting-freelance-graphic-design-business

A busy student’s guide to starting a freelance design business

Freelance and design go well together. The biggest question you need to ask is how much college complicates the matter. Fortunately, the problem has already been solved. We know about the challenges ... > 4-types-clients-will-drag-business

4 Types of clients that will drag you (and your business) down with them

In the freelance community, we can all relate to experiencing the headaches of the problem client before. Naturally, not every project you work on will go as smooth as molasses. But simply saying “i...