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9 Strategies To Acquire New Freelance Clients And Retain Old Ones

You’ve got the talent and know-how to succeed as a self-employed or freelancer. In your home office, you’ve arranged all of the essentials: your desk, computer, and printer. However, obtai... > gifts-for-writers

23 Gifts for Writers on Your Holiday List (2024 Gift Guide)

Gifts for writers on your holiday list can be a struggle to find. We writers are a rare breed, with specific interests and a creative temperament. Not just any gift will do. So if you’re looking for... > how-to-make-money-writing

How to Make Money Writing and Quit Your Day Job in 2024

Do you want to learn how to make money writing? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At, we specialize in teaching freelancers how to start their own writing businesses, land the best jobs... > how-to-answer-a-prospects-tricky-billing-question

How I answered when my client asked “will you lower your rates for us over time?”

Plenty of stand-up comedians have had fun skewering the silliness of the “What’s your greatest weakness?” question that job interviewers often ask. The two best comedic answers I’ve ever heard... > freelance-marketing-strategies

7 Freelance Marketing Strategies that Actually Work

If you’re looking for a way to start earning some extra money, start a side business or create a full-time income, you may want to consider these freelance marketing strategies. Here’s the current... > can-i-include-my-previous-in-house-work-in-my-portfolio

Can I Put Company Projects in my Own Portfolio? (Legal & Strategic Tips)

Can you put company projects in your portfolio as a freelancer? It’s a valid (and somewhat complicated) question you’ve probably asked yourself more than once as a freelancer. Earlier this month i... > recurring-revenue

10 Recurring Revenue Business Ideas to Start Cashing In on Today

As a business owner, it’s important to have recurring revenue, and more than one stream of income. You shouldn’t just rely on one-off sales if you want to grow your business. This is unsustainable... > whatfontis

WhatFontIs: The Most Accurate (& Free) Font Identification Service

Designers, behold: a truly free, accurate, and easy to use font identification service you can count on. Yep, you heard that right. No more guessing and digging around Google Images looking for a font... > how-i-brought-in-20k-of-freelance-work-in-7-days-by-hacking-angellist

How I hacked my way to $20K of AngelList jobs in 7 Days

I’ve tried almost every method of finding clients, short of busking on the street. I even met a client in line for coffee once! I found clients using sites like Upwork, I’ve used Facebook groups, ... > gracefully-tell-client-youre-raising-rates

How to gracefully tell a client you’re raising your rates

“How do I gracefully tell a client I am increasing my rates? I’m upping my hourly rate by about 35%, which is approximately a $12 increase. This client is bigger than any of my other clien...