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5 Sample Upwork Proposal Templates to Win the Competition

Table of ContentsUpdated Mar 06, 2023

Research shows 53 million Americans are freelancing today. They contribute $715 billion each year to the economic growth of the country.

Demand for freelancers is at an all-time high. However, the competition is also stiff. Platforms like Upwork have millions of freelancers competing for projects on the platform.

It takes more than skills and experience to win clients on Upwork. You must attract your client’s attention by establishing a strong connection right from the beginning.

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A custom proposal can work wonders to help you break the ice. You can connect with your client instantly and show why you are the right person for the job.

What to Expect from this Article

Upwork has remained the largest freelancing platform in the world for some time now. It helps a freelancer build their career and earn consistent incomes.

However, Upwork has more than 5 million clients and 12 million freelance remote workers. As a result, several freelancers bid on a project, making it difficult to land you a job.

A well-thought proposal can help you stand out and prove your expertise. You can express how you will benefit the client and their business and help them achieve their objectives.

In this blog, we will learn how to write a killer proposal to win projects on Upwork. We will also include a few sample Upwork proposal templates to inspire you.

5 Sample Upwork Proposals to Help You Get Started

The job description given by the client will form the basis of your proposal. You can use the client’s needs to align and sell your services better.

Below you will find a sample Upwork proposal for 5 jobs. You can write your proposal following our format and style to land more gigs.

1. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Graphic Designer


I understand you want to create a brochure for your upcoming sales expo. With my experience of 10 years, I can help you to stand out from your competitors. I have designed over 100 brochures for companies all around the world.

I’m attaching some brochures I made for past clients to give you a better idea of what I can deliver.

I’m proficient in several editing tools like Adobe Creative Cloud. I can also use a tool of your choice if that holds significance.

I can deliver the brochure within 7 days of receiving your confirmation. However, I would need a few resources from your end to make a compelling brochure.

Let’s discuss matters in the following communication. I will be waiting for your reply.

Thank you,


2. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Freelance Writer


I would like to place my proposal for your creative writing project. I see you want to develop high-quality content to fuel your marketing efforts. We can take the project forward immediately as I have chalked out a plan to drive your outreach program:

  • 5 blogs (700+ words) per month on industry news and updates
  • 2 how-to articles (900+ words) per month on company-related offerings
  • 1 mega blog (2,500 +words) per month on helpful guides
  • 10 social media updates per month for Facebook and Instagram

I’m prepared to handle the workload and deliver tasks on time. I have also worked with WordPress and can publish blogs, complete with images, tags, and videos.

Moreover, I can publish updates on your social media channels to keep your audience engaged.

We can discuss the rates once you reply to my proposal. I’m attaching sample blogs of past projects for your reference.

Thank you,


3. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Developer


I’m confident I am the right person to help you turn your vision into reality. Every business should have a mobile app to target and retain mobile customers.

I assume you don’t have a plan in place due to the lack of details in your job description. I can guide you to develop the right strategy and help you launch your mobile app with success.

I have developed the apps of top healthcare brands like XYZ and ABC. You can download and use the apps to get a feel of what I have to offer.

I already have a few features in mind that can help your app attract and convert more customers. I’ve been developing apps for over 7 years and completed more than 30 projects.

Most importantly, I have exposure to working in the healthcare industry and know what works best for clinics like yours.

I would like to take our conversation forward and provide you with more insights on developing your app.



4. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Web Designer


I would love to apply for your project. I have been helping entrepreneurs like you to create a strong brand and lasting memories with your audience.

I understand you are looking to give your website a fresh look and make it more appealing. I can help you design an aesthetic and modern website with high-quality visuals to create an engaging user experience.

I audited your website and already have a few recommendations. For example, I would like to make the UI simpler to remove clutter and distractions.

I have several other suggestions and a plan in place to help you create a strong market presence. Please reply to my proposal so that we can move things forward.

You can also view the following websites I worked on to get an idea of what to expect:

  • Link 1
  • Link 2
  • Link 3

Please send me a message to discuss your project requirements.

John Doe


5. Sample Upwork Proposal for a Content Creator (YouTube, Social Media, etc.)


I see you would like to create content for your YouTube channel. I can provide you with professional guidance and create stellar content to click with your audience. I have over 10 years of experience helping businesses develop strong brand awareness.

You might have seen my work on YouTube channels like XYZ and ABC. I also manage the 123 channel, which is a business similar to yours.

I’ve been working with them for 1.5 years, and my content generated over 1 million views. I can deliver you similar results, once we sit down to discuss the details.

I can help you with:

  • Content strategy
  • Content topics
  • Shooting videos
  • Pre and post-production tasks
  • Video editing

I would love to be the one to develop a long-term relationship that benefits both parties. I will wait for your reply to start on the project right away.

Let’s set up a meeting at your convenience.

Warm regards,


How to Make a Sample Upwork Proposal on Your Own

an image of a laptop showing an individual upwork profile

An important part of becoming a freelancer on Upwork is to be able to write your own proposals. However, you don’t need to write from scratch every time you apply to a project.

Instead, you can make a sample Upwork proposal and customize it to your needs. Below are a few insights to help you write fantastic proposals.

5 Steps to Writing an Effective Upwork Proposal

A few easy steps can help you write a sample Upwork proposal template as a foundation. The first step is the most important:

1. Research Your Client

You must understand your client to write an effective proposal. The job description can give you vital insights to perform your research, like company name or product.

Moreover, read the project requirements to understand what problem the client is trying to solve. You cannot write a proposal unless you are clear about the project objectives.

Make a list of the pain points of a project before you do anything else.

2. Specify Your Services

Your client must know what you are selling them. Therefore, specify your services in your Upwork proposal to get more gigs.

However, do not mention services that are not useful to the client. They may make you look good on paper but don’t help you convince your client.

Instead, mention your deliverables and how they resolve your client’s pain points.

Let’s say a client wants to hire a creative writer and asks what you can offer. You will surely not get the project if you write something like, “I can deliver high-quality articles and blogs.”

Instead, write you can deliver:

  • Blogs
  • How-to guides
  • Walkthroughs
  • Product reviews
  • Product descriptions
  • Elevator pitches

3. Create an Outline

Create a rough outline of your sample Upwork proposal. You can use the pain points you noted down as a foundation to elaborate on your services.

You don’t need to write a detailed outline. Just make a list of the main points you want to include in your letter.

It will help you stay on track and prevent missing out on important information. Write your proposal based on your outline for the best results.

4. Use a Template

You can find many templates online to write your proposal. However, you must customize the proposal for the project you are looking to apply.

Moreover, you can create a custom template based on your services. You can personalize based on your project requirements and save time and energy.

However, prevent copy-pasting content from other proposals. Your template should be a guide only and not the actual wording of your cover letter.

It is always better to take a few more minutes to write an original proposal. Otherwise, you may lose projects even if you have the right skills and capabilities.

5. Proofread Your Proposal

The last step of the process is to proofread your proposal. It should not contain any spelling or grammatical errors.

Moreover, your document should be professional and free of typos. You can use online services to proofread your proposal.

What to Include (and Not Include) in Every Upwork Proposal

A proposal cover letter should include a few vital things that help you land more projects. They are as follows:

Your Information

It is necessary to introduce yourself to your client. However, you don’t need to write about your hobbies or all the degrees you acquired.

Include your name and throw in a few details that help you persuade your client, such as:

  • Your experience
  • Exposure to working in different industries
  • Educational qualifications

Outline of Project

The job description will help you zero in on your client’s objectives. They also reveal the pain points the person or business is trying to solve.

You should capture the pain points in your proposal to tie your services with them. It helps you show why your client should hire you for the job.

Never be ambiguous when writing your client requirements. You should make your client aware of their pain points if they aren’t.

Let’s say the job description says a small company wants to improve its website user experience. However, they haven’t mentioned the areas of improvement.

Here, you can use your insights to understand your client’s pain points. Their user experience may be suffering due to clutter or an unresponsive design.

You can write an effective proposal by showing you understand your client. However, it’s better to ask questions rather than include assumptions.

Outline of Solution

You should describe how your service will resolve your client’s problems. It is necessary to be specific and provide a glimpse of what’s on offer.

Let’s say you are applying to a social media marketing project. In your proposal, don’t just say, “I can create an excellent campaign to bring you more leads.”

Instead, show them how you are going to do the job. As a result, many freelancers on Upwork include a list of deliverables in their cover letters.

An example of deliverables for a social media campaign may include:

  • An audit report of current social media presence
  • Social media marketing strategy
  • 25 Monthly posts and updates
  • Comments on 100 posts per month

Don’t include services that are not related to the project.

Call to Action (CTA)

Customize the CTA for your sample Upwork proposal. However, avoid writing ambiguous calls to action like, “hope to hear from you soon.”

Instead, write something like:

  • Let’s set a meeting for Monday
  • Please reply to my message to discuss matters
  • Please answer my queries to take the project forward


You must include a few samples of your work in your proposal. For a writer, samples of previously-written blogs or links to published articles are great.

Similarly, a developer can invite clients to check out apps and software developed by them. Samples are excellent to give your client an idea of the returns you can provide.

4 Tips for Writing Better Upwork Proposals

woman writing down notes on a notebook at a desk

You must start sending proposals as soon as you join Upwork to get a job. Here are a few proven tips to help you nail the task like a pro:

1. Keep It Concise

Your Upwork proposal should be brief and to the point. Don’t over-describe your client’s pain points or your services.

Instead, provide the right information to encourage your client to decide in your favor.

The length of your proposal will depend on the job description. However, it should not be more than 4 – 5 paragraphs long.

Nobody has the time to read a lengthy proposal, especially when 30 – 50 freelancers apply for the same job.

2. Don’t Oversell

A proposal helps you sell your service on Upwork. It should put you in the best light, but not by appearing too salesy.

A better approach is to show your client how you can provide value. List techniques or ways you can solve their pain points or help them achieve their goals.

A simple change in perception can help you nail the task. Think about how you can help a client instead of wondering how you can sell.

Moreover, add a human touch and work to create trust.

3. Answer Additional Questions First

Most projects on Upwork need you to answer ‘Additional Questions’ after you write your cover letter. However, clients see your replies to these questions first before your actual proposal.

Therefore, answer the additional screening questions before you write your proposal. Use your research to give compelling answers and show you are the best person to handle the project.

It goes a long way to make sure the client reads your proposal. If you cannot answer as expected, even an excellent proposal may fall short.

4. Ask Questions

It is always better to ask questions than make assumptions. However, any question you ask should show you understand your client or the project better.

Let’s say a project says you have to create a Facebook ad campaign. However, the job description has no information on budget or goals.

Instead of promising deliverables outright, you can ask:

  • May I know your budget so that I can create a fitting plan?
  • What is the price range of the product you are promoting?
  • Do you want to target a local or global audience?

Final Thoughts

You must be able to write effective proposals to become a top-rated freelancer on Upwork. Follow our steps and tips to create a fantastic proposal and land more projects. However, refrain from making false claims in your cover letter. Instead, include adequate proof to prove your expertise.

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Profile Image: Soubhik Chakrabarti

Written by Soubhik Chakrabarti

Staff at

A prolific writer and a Top Talent on Upwork with over $200,000 in earnings, Soubhik is both a journalist and an entrepreneur. With a journalism degree from Langara College, Vancouver, Soubhik today helps companies focus on their SEO efforts through SEO consulting, and also owns websites like - which today has more than 150,000 pageviews a month.

Soubhik's Articles

Reviewed & edited by Adam Wright, Editor at Millo.

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